This is something I read a couple of years ago that gave me hope no matter who was elected. I personally didn't care for McCain and his wishy washy ways, but felt that having to vote between Obama or McCain it was clearly McCain. I think what would be awesome for God to do,(to knock this Country on its butt) would be that Obama would get born-again when he gets into office. And be the boldest Christian President ever! Think of it, how full of faith and wide eyed you where when you first got saved. I didn't care what anyone thought. I just found what I was looking for. I know the living God and I'm in his hands. I was on top of the world. I did a lot of silly things in faith because I just believed. I did what was right and didn't have to struggle to make a decision. It was the only choice and my own "wisdom" didn't get in the way. I still have to make those decisions but have to be weary not to let my own judgement cloud the voice of God. Anyway here is a Prophetic word that I stand on in these times.
June 28, 2007
Kim Clement:
Father God says, "The only time I turned My head and cried, the only time I turned My head in shame was when My Son took the sins, then I cried and looked away. A Father's heart remains untouched in the pain. Now I say to you, because of that holy, holy day a treasure will come forth because of the sacrifice. The children are waiting to hear the sound of the Father whispering in their ear 'I Love You.' There remains a Father's heart in this nation. I will bring the Fathers to the children, and I will bring the Fathers to their sons. The Spirit of Elijah is about to come upon this holy nation."
God says He wants to tell you something, "I Love You." The Spirit of God says "Prepare yourselves for the many changes and swift things that will begin to happen. As you know this is a time of acceleration; this is a time of favor. Is it not befitting for each one of you to take hold of the one thing that I have promised. The door has been opened, come up higher," says the Lord. "There is a place where you will see way beyond your present circumstances. It shall come to pass that many of you will latch on and take the treasure that has been released from the Kingdom of Heaven and you will bring it out of the eternal place into this place that you are living."
"Your youth," God says, "I'm about to raise them out of a place and put them in an unusual place. Your youth (I speak to this place here) are about to drive your enemy crazy. There is going to be a transference from the father to the sons and from the father to the daughters. There will be a transference of the anointing and a double portion shall raise your children up and make them the Presidents of this nation and make them the great ones with authority and with power."
God says "A President that I will bring into the White House--they will say he is ungodly--he does not know God. Even as Jesus disguised Himself for the great feasts, so I've disguised this man's heart. When he comes to the White House, not only shall he be Mine, but he shall pray as a man that has never prayed in the White House. That same man shall put his feet onto this platform. They will say, how did this take place? Laws shall change. Young men and young women will have access into the Kingdom and with authority into politics and with authority into the industries that now have been controlled by darkness because of this man that shall rule for two terms. Do not fear; there will be no unnecessary stuff. There will be things that men shall question. Fear not, for he shall sit in that seat, and suddenly My Spirit shall come upon him and baptize him with a fire and with anointing," says the Spirit of the Lord. "No more war. The time for war has gone. The time for Peace has come. The House that you call White shall receive a man, a knight, who fought for you in your nights."
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
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*This weekend saw the 32nd anniversary of me being beaten up and left for
dead by my parents back in 1986. *
*I am amazed that I am still here, that I am s...
6 years ago
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