Jesus is Lord»

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cougar Dream

I had a dream: I was on a porch of a house in the country. I looked out and I saw a cat I used to have. It was running at me and it changed into a bobcat, then a cougar. It was trying to bite and scratch me. I looked down and there was a baby there. The baby started trying to suckle from the cougar. This caused the cougar to stop the attack and focus on the baby. The cougar wanted to attack me but was satisfied with the baby. The baby kept trying to get milk from the cougar but there was none. So after the baby was gone the cougar was running around looking and attempting to attack again.
That was the end of dream.

I'm pretty sure the cougar is a sneaky kind of demonic attack. One maybe from some one I once knew. The baby could be a young christian trying to get milk from the wrong source or person. Please comment if the Lord gives you more insight.


Friends of Jesus said...

mmmm... Maybe there is an old demon that is trying to get to you... maybe like an old habit

This speaks personally to me... Those old demons that used to be in us, try to come back. and yeah, if they can't they go elsewhere.

Lord we pray for the body of Christ, that you will lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil!

Friends of Jesus said...

halal is hannah :) hannah is halal