Jesus is Lord»

Sunday, November 6, 2011

True Nature

It is time that we as sons of God begin to walk in the true nature and image we were created in. The body of Christ has had this cliffhanger, till I get to the by and by mentality for to long. We are still eating from the tree of knowlede of good and evil instead of eating from the tree of life. We have this woe's me mind set, this I'm just a sinner saved by grace attitude that produces a defeated life. The fruit of the tree of knowledge causes us to focus on ourselves and others instead on the Lord who daily still comes to walk with us in the garden. We have to come into the revelation of who we are. Jesus didn't come to the earth to show us miracles so we would just believe in him. He came to show us who we are and the true image and nature we are. He died on the cross which once again gave us access to the garden. Untill we come to know who we are and to know Jesus intimately and daily we will always be defeated and reaping a harvest of death. The tree of life is in us and its Jesus. We will no longer sing about one day seeing him and knowing him but sing how we know him and see him him now. Once the body of Christ knows who we are, we will march as the glorious army of victorious conquers and more. We will be rulers of righteousness. When we realize who we are, sin won't have dominion over us but we will rise above it and free others. What a mighty army will we be.