This is a testimony from a friend in Chicago.
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Chicago Prophetic Blast, May 2008
I was so awestruck after the event that I could hardly find words to describe what took place. The hunger of the people in our region and the glory of God displayed was like nothing I had ever seen or experienced before. Dr. Lance Wallnau took us through a new experience in declaring unity as we corporately shouted "AS ONE!" Each time we did this the atmosphere shifted.
Drs. Billie & Al Deck led the session on Prophetic Intercession with such wisdom and grace. Billie is supernaturally covered in gold dust most of the time and at the end of the 2nd session she and Al anointed everyone with gold and oil. I was the keyboardist for them and the 2nd session I got to play the same piano Kim Clement had used the night before. The anointing was SO STRONG on the platform that I kept looking up to see the angels.
I will never forget how Kim Clement looked the first night he ministered at the Mega Center in St. Charles, IL. As the people pressed in for the glory, there was a visible look of shock on his face. The people in our region were SO HUNGRY for the glory of God that we worshipped for hours. On Saturday night I saw two glows of light on stage. One was a small angel next to the drummer, and the other was what looked like a giant head. When I saw the head, I was filled with the fear of God and dropped the floor. Later I learned from my 10 year old son that what I saw was just the head of an approximately 300 - 400 foot long angel, who'se head was over the platform, and who'se feet extended out the back of the building. He saw the entire angel, and there were other witnesses who saw it as well. He told me the angel's wings were over the assembly and as the angel fanned it's wings, the people would respond. There was also a visible cloud that appeared over the platform and many people reported that when they put their hands up into it, they could feel rain falling on their hands.
The Florida Revival Outpouring, June 2008
Shortly after The Chicago Prophetic Blast, the elders of our church, where my husband is senior pastor, sent three of us to the revival in Florida. Just prior to the revival, I experienced rapidly progressing hearing loss. Over a span of one year, every time I saw the doctor the hearing loss worsened. My doctor wanted to do an MRI to look for a brain tumor.
On June 5th we flew to Lakeland and attended the evening session. Todd Bentley called out deafness being healed, and suddenly it was like someone turned up the volume in the room. I could hear everything with crystal clarity, including side conversations next to me! On June 7th my husband and I volunteered to be on the pastoral prayer ministry team with Fresh Fire in Lakeland. Two people we prayed for with hearing loss were healed! On June 27, a couple weeks after we returned from Lakeland, I was invited to speak at the Women's Watering Hole in Addison, IL. My very good friends Pastor Theresa Phillips and Roberta Karls came to support and minister with me. The Lord told me to do an impartation for people to hear in the Spirit and many raised their hands to say that their ears opened up and they could hear! Also several women with hearing loss and pain in their ears asked for prayer and reported marked improvement.
I share these things to say that I am amazed how God healed my ears. This healing was not just for me, but it was a supernatural impartation that God began to release and transfer through us to other people. Transferrable anointing is exactly what Todd Bentley has been talking about! And this opening up of my ears was not just about hearing in the natural, but it also opened up hearing in the supernatural as David Tomberlain prophesied dreams and visions over me before we left Lakeland!
"The Happening"
Kim Clement prophesied that one of the signs of revival in Chicago would be called "The Happening." That really struck me as my husband was involved with a retreat team many years ago called "The Happening." He was so excited about this word that on June 11, the day we returned from Lakeland, Florida, he held a revival meeting at our church and called it "The Holy Spirit Happening." The first meeting we did fire impartations and many began to hear from God. We've had twice a month meetings ever since and at each meeting there have been physical healings and people getting filled with the Holy Spirit! The meetings start with one hour of soaking prayer and then go into worship and it's been amazing to see how God is drawing us deeper...drawing us higher...drawing us to seek the greater GLORY!
Encounter Women Of The Glory July 2008
I am usually a worship leader at The Encounter, but this time Pastor Theresa asked me to be a speaker. It was a little out of my comfort zone as a Lutheran pastor's wife to make this switch, but God was so faithful and the process He began in opening my ears to hear in the Spirit continued. The week before The Encounter the Lord gave me three revelations. On June 3rd the Lord translated me in the Spirit into the holy of holies and revealed an altar of peace with incense on it, where people ascend to worship Him. On July 4th He showed me in Judges 6 where Gideon had an encounter with an angel, and then built an altar to the Lord calling it, "The Lord Is Peace." Before I had time to think about it, I was instantly visited by the Angel of Peace, the LARGEST angel I had ever seen, who gave me an impartation of peace, and carried me in his hands and dropped me right into the lap of the Prince of Peace. The Lord showed me that the reason the Angel of Peace was the largest angel, is because INTIMACY with God is the KEY to living in the supernatural.
Then on June 5th, the Lord took me into ANOTHER vision where I saw a gondola (a small Venitian style boat) on a river. The boat had long peaks on either tip and there were just a few people in the boat. Suddenly the river became turbulent and dangerous and the people cried out to God. A camouflaged giant angel, almost as big as the Angel of Peace from the day before, slipped out from between the trees, and unbeknownst to the people in the boat, the angel picked up the gondola by one of the protruding tips, and with his other hand he smoothed out the river like an iron on an ironing board. Then he gently set the boat back down on the water and slipped back into his hiding place between the trees. At this point Jesus appeared on the riverbank and extended his hand to me. I took his hand and we walked together on the smooth water. As we got closer to the boat, the people saw Jesus, but they could not see me. The MOMENT they saw Jesus, they all ABANDONED SHIP! The moment He manifested, they ran away!
I said at The Encounter that I intended to talk about intimacy with God and the impartation from the Angel of Peace, but while I was sharing these revelations the Lord told me to share about the gondola. The Lord then told me while we all want solutions to our problems, God wants us to go for more than just our problems being fixed. He wants us to go for the greater glory! He wants people who will not run away when He manifests! After the people digested this, God said He wanted to be crystal clear about one thing, and that is WHEN HE MANIFESTS, it INCLUDES the things He does. We cannot separate Him from His hand. Whether it be gold or silver or gems or oil or feathers or healings or miracles or provision...or perhaps a new thing we have never before seen or heard of...He wants people who will not run away when He manifests...but who will instead RUN TO HIM!
Jodi Hanson shared a powerful personal testimony about how God brought her through one of the most difficult experiences in her life, and then how God gave her revelation about heavenly keys. God was giving her these keys not only to get through extreme difficulty, but also so she and her husband would be given access to places where there had been no access before...keys that would open doors where the kingdom of God could be advanced! After Jodi shared her testimony, we did an impartation together, releasing the keys of heaven and angelic visitations.
God wove all of this together so beautifully as Taffy Furr shared a word about the sound of heaven being released, Pastor Theresa shared about the angel of Courage (who visited our church 6 months prior!) and the angel of Grace. Billie Deck had an amazing word for the young people and throughout The Encounter many were healed through specific words of knowledge released by both Pastor Theresa and Billie Deck, and a number of young people were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time! Damon Stuart's team did a fantstic job of leading worship and healings were released prophetically even as we worshipped. Other very powerful corporate words were shared by Paulette Horvant and Bonnie San-Hamel. While Bonnie was prophesying favor and restoration over Pastor Theresa and Robert Phillips, ruby dust began to manifest ALL OVER the back of the room. It was literally falling everywhere, and it kept coming for at least 2 hours. After the meeting people were still on hands and knees picking it up.
"The VOICE of the Lord is powerful; the VOICE of the Lord is majestic...the VOICE of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning...AND ALL IN HIS TEMPLE CRY, 'GLORY!'" Psalm 29: 5, 7 & 9
We cry Glory! More Glory Lord, more for Chicago! May the fire of revival come!!!
Dawn Okpisz (email) (worship director, pastor's wife) (advisor, psalmist & editor)
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared for those who love Him!" 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT
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