Some more of Fiona's wonderful visits to Heaven.
1st June 2008 - Healing of my Inner Child
I am in heaven, I see the throne room, He is high and lifted up! I breathed so deeply there, it is wonderful in here no problems.
Ah it is just so great here, ah so peaceful so strong, the light of heaven has come and is casting out all darkness
Now I am in a dark place hiding and Jesus opened the door and the light of heaven shined on me, I see Jesus, He is reaching in with both hands, picking me up and holding me tight, He turned around and started walking me out of there.
I sense that sense of resting, and taking it all in, calm and at peace, safe, secure, at rest , : so free, so happy, totally safe.
He is rocking my inner child, He is healing something I never even remembered, my mother would scream at me to shut up and stop crying, wow, he's soothing me, oh I am soooooo loved.
He is healing the wounds, sealing them up, so peaceful, this is wonderful!, wowow, so so peaceful here, wow that was amazing.
23rd May 2008 - Vision of the Colours Of Heaven
This is the transcript of the vision -
HEAVEN IS OPENING, I feel it through my ear, a pulling through my ear
I can hear the trumpets, I hear celebrations, heaven is pulling at me
There's a room full of body parts in heaven, I've just seen it, there's angels going in and out getting different parts right now, angels are being dispatched all over, taking healing and body parts.
I'm just seeing light, brightness, I'm drifting between heaven and earth backwards and forwards.
I see the angels and the trumpets again, they're getting ready to blow again THOSE TRUMPETS ARE BEING RAISED TO REJOICE IN THE HEAVENS.
Yes I see angels with huge wings, golden trumpets, you should hear the noise in heaven.
Aw the celebration going on, wowwow it is amazing, even the Father is dancing.
There are warrior angels being sent out too to war for the saints.
Ha, so much laughter again.
Oh I see the rainbow, wow what colours, INDESCRIBABLE, woooooooooooooooooo, so beautiful so radiant I see colours I can't describe. Incredible deep rich colours irredescent blues, purples, golds, yellow, turquoise, greens, orange, red, crimson and silver . . . . you can see through it...put your hand through it.
I see the rainbow, and the throne its like you can see thro the colours, such richness of hue, ow wow. I see the angels around the throne, the four living creatures, I see the Lord.
Oh I just witnessed the whole of heaven bowing, the whole of heaven stopped and bowed before the Lord dressed in splendour, oh the resplendent Lord, Oh it was awesome!
23 June 2008 - Awesome combination of open vision and translation
I was worshipping tonight and starting seeing the throne room of heaven. This is what transpired during the next 50 minutes. For some of it I was actually there, and for some of it I was sitting in my room having an open vision, that has never happened to me before.Be blessed.In the presence of Jehovah I find mercy, I see smoke and light where the angels cry HOLY, a throne high and lifted up, a rainbow beyond description, hoards on their face before the throne.I see huge angels with even bigger trumpets . . . .I see a river of oil pouring . . . .I see lampstands burning . . . .I see angels flying round the room and others ministering before the throne . . . .I see colours beyond description . . . .I hear harmonies that would blow you away . . . .Such a sense of awe and majesty . . . .The place is filling with smoke like a glory cloud descending . . . .I see oil pouring pouring from the robes of the one who sits on the throne hidden by smoke and light.It is awesome the room cries holy holy holy worthy worthy.I am being lifted, I am above the throne far above the throne gazing down on this scene in awe and wonder, I am shaking in the glory.I see the elders casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea, cherubim and seraphim falling down before him wooo.Liquid honey glory glory, there's no words for it, glory glory descending, all consuming glory, ah there is none like u Lord high and lifted up, crying holy, falling down before him, white light so bright, white light so bright, going thro me infusing me.Oh wow what wings, you should see the size of them, the scale of those wings, incredible!I am surrounded by these wings so huge they encompass me. All I can see is bright light, smoke and wings, now like I am floating, being lifted in wings, in feathers.I hear sounds coming from his throne incredible thunderings . . . . holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy, angels and elders bow.I see the great cloud of witnesses watching, taking note!There are angels with scrolls writing, the angels are so huge and so are the scrolls, there are masses and masses there.I am as if I am above looking down, as if I am floating on the ether of the praises of the angels and elders, powerful, awesome, beautiful.There are angels beneath me covering the throne with their wings like a canopy over and around the throne, a canopy of angel wings, you should see the wings, so huge, so intricate, this is such an awesome sight.I am being carried higher and higher looking down at the crystal sea from on high, looking thro the sea from on high, looking upon a vast expanse.I see masses and masses of angelic forces poised they are carrying healing oil, healing balm, they have healing within their wings literally, they are waiting to be dispatched.I am seeing thro the sea seeing the vast expanse of space oh such beauty before my eyes, such incredible beauty, I never realised space was so beautiful, wow so so awesomely beautiful.My vision is being pulled back in from space to the room again.
*This weekend saw the 32nd anniversary of me being beaten up and left for
dead by my parents back in 1986. *
*I am amazed that I am still here, that I am s...
6 years ago
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