Jesus is Lord»

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dream of Old

It has been burning and turning in my heart about the word of knowledge or discernment a friend had a couple days ago concerning me being a Seer. So I started to reflect and meditate on that since it is a desire on my heart to move in that annointing. I know formost that I'm called as a evangelist. But I was reminded of a dream a good friend of mine had about 8 years ago. I don't remember too many details. But what I do remember was he said that he and I where in this small white country church. It was full of youth and we where preachin to them. What was interesting and I havn't been able to forget was that just one of our eyes was normal and looking straight at crowd. But our other eye was like a red spiral spining and spining. I believe that is the Seer anointing on us. Comment if you may have different understanding.