Jesus is Lord»

Monday, November 24, 2008

Economic Situation and gas prices

I've been watching what has been happening with stock market and the housing industry. In this whole "crisis" I have had a positive outlook on it. I feel that this is a good thing that the market is correcting its self. It was like a big bubble of hot gas and it finally burst. But one thing that I notice is how rapidly the gas prices dropped. Ok. Everyone I talk to thinks or has heard from news that the gas prices have dropped because we are not using as much. Yeah right! Come on. We surely can't believe that. Look at the percentages. Gas prices dropped by more than 50%. Our use probably hasn't dropped 5%. I believe that people where manipulating the market to drive up gas prices to make more profits. And the Government was allowing it or because of policies or laws or restrictions in place they couldn't do anything about it and hide it from public. Gas prices directly paralleled the market. It wasn't like the US went to all Hybrids overnight. I think greed had taken over the market and everyone was sucking every last dime they could from us before it collapsed. I for one am thank full for it. Gas prices are down. Which means more money or cash in peoples pockets. For some they Gas bill alone will drop $200 dollars a month. Its a slow but sure stimulus package. And for business it will free up a lot of money too. Bad loans, high gas prices, and Unions have pulled down the economy. The Car corporations are being strangled by the Unions and they can't make any good cars or compete with Toyota or Honda. Don't bale them out, because they will need another next year and the year after that and so on. Its time for them to go chapter 11 and regroup. They foundation has Termites in it eating it away. So why put on a new roof and paint the walls again? Anyway, I read this today and it confirmed what I was seeing happen in the natural. Its funny because I was told about this word when it first came out. Here it is.


The Lord woke me up in the early hours of the morning the week before the bailout was passed - It was around four am in the morning and I kept hearing one sentence over and over again and that sentence was 'EYE OF THE STORM - EYE OF THE STORM..,' and then I started to hear Psalm 91 as well, and I said to the Lord - "Father - Your people are very familiar with Psalm 91", but I sensed this was DIFFERENT - there was such a specific and powerful rhema anointing on this Psalm concerning the current financial situation.

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night nor of the arrow, the evil plot slanders of the wicked." (or the NASDAQ OR THE DOW JONES THAT PLUMMETS by day.)

"A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you because you have made the LORD your refuge."

And I sensed that the Lord was so deeply moved by the prayers and cries of His children regarding the current economic turmoil and I believe that He is talking to some of you right now and He's saying:


And I remembered a prophecy the Lord had given me so many years ago in 1999 in the Journal of the Unknown Prophet, part of which had said:

"And so great terror shall strike at the heart of those who have ruled the nations by control and manipulation - by trade and by extortion - as they see their idols collapse before them. And so the great shaking and the judgements upon the Earth shall begin... They exchange the worship of Me, the Living God, for that of stocks and shares and gold and bonds - for the worship of oil and armaments. They have exchanged their souls for that which cannot save them. For so it is that as their life expires, all they have amassed in the high places of the Earth, all their idols shall stand silent."

And I knew with a great dread that part of what we were all experiencing in the tumult of the world economic shake up was actually the Lord's JUDGEMENT on the trading systems of the world - But at the very same time, I sensed His great mercies start to flow and His overwhelming compassion's and fervency of His love for His own Household - for YOU His child. And it seemed to me that the Lord was saying a very different thing to His children.

And He said, "Wendy - I want you to tell My people that THEY DO NOT HAVE TO FEAR .
Things will get ROUGH
Things will get TURBULENT
Tell My people - It is time to fly by the instruments by the weapons of their warfare
It is time for them to fly by FAITH
FOR THEM TO WALK IN THE OPPOSITE SPIRIT OF THE AGE BECAUSE they have set their love on Me," the Lord said,
"BECAUSE they have set their heart on Me,
BECAUSE they have set their substance on Me, SURELY I will deliver them.

And the Father said to Me, "I am MOVED - I am greatly MOVED FOR My people and BY the prayers of My people at this time."


And then I saw the word 'BABYLON' and I saw Babylon above WALL STREET and THE FEDERAL RESERVE was there above Wall Street. Then I saw a noose that was around the necks of the bankers, many bankers, institutions in the city and in Wall Street and then I saw the spirit of Babylon just pull on that noose and it started to get so tight around that noose and then I saw Jesus.

Jesus Christ was there walking through Wall Street and He noted every Christian, every follower of His and there were many followers who were actually IN banks and institutions.


I saw believers there who were PRAYING and then I saw a spider's web, a huge spider's web, and I saw the spider's web go from Wall Street and it went to Washington and it went through Congress and the Senate and then up to the White House.

And then I saw a very strange thing. I saw two huge FUEL LINES I did not understand (a day later I sensed strongly they represented OIL) and these two fuel lines came directly from Wall Street into the White House and into the Treasury, I saw the word 'TREASURY' in large black capitals.


And I felt that the Lord said there are HIDDEN AGREEMENTS - HIDDEN COVENANTS and I knew that the Lord said that we as believers need to pray at this time for TRUTH and to PRAY FOR EXPOSURE OF DARKNESS. That's what the Lord said. And He said that THERE IS GOING TO BE A SHIFT AND A SWAY - THERE'S GOING TO BE A GOD EXPOSURE OF PEOPLE'S ROLES THAT I BELIEVE WILL CONTINUE EVEN INTO THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION.


And then the Lord said He is calling now for TEMPERANCE -
He is calling for SOBER MINDEDNESS -
He is calling for MEASURED WISDOM -
And then He started speaking about the ELECTION.
And about the SPIRIT ON THE MEDIA in this Election and I sensed the Lord's grieving - that it was time for us as the Lord's own to rise in prayer and bind the JEZEBELIC SPIRIT on the media and the BEGUILING SPIRITS and SPIRITS OF WITCHCRAFT that have been released - It's a showman spirit on this election.


And I sensed the Lord's displeasure with the divisiveness and attacks and devouring taking place between the parties in the Election - It was hard for Him to RELEASE HIS FULL BLESSING when the spirits operating over the parties in the Election were the opposing spirit to the KINGDOM OF GOD.

And I sensed the enemy's pleasure over the divisiveness. I sensed many other things concerning the Election:


It was imperative that as the Body of Christ we were not praying our own agendas but the Agenda of the ONLY ONE WHO TRULY KNOWS AND READS ALL HEARTS - AND TO PRAY FOR THE FATHER'S WILL AND ONLY THE FATHER'S WILL TO BE ACHIEVED IN THE ELECTION.
No matter how much we feel we understand and know, we still see through a glass so darkly.

And I heard the same words again - Temperance - Sober mindedness - Measured Wisdom.
He said many other things, which I will share if the Lord releases me to do so in the weeks ahead but I am not led to share them at this time. However I sense with a great burden that the Lord is calling for His people to cover the Election with Heaven-directed prayer.


And finally I saw this huge tornado and it was the financial situation upon the earth.
And I saw it come and there was a whole city and it just went through the whole city and the city was devastated and I saw these houses that stayed and they were beautiful and they were completely intact.
The eye of the storm passed over these houses but they were completely intact. Nothing was touched. Not their gardens or fences.
And the Father said for those of you who have loved Him
For those of you who have served HIM
For those of you who have set your heart on Him
And He kept saying, for those of you who have kept your substance on Him
He said the destroyer will pass over you because the Blood of the Lamb, the living Blood of the Lamb was over all of those houses which represent the people who have truly loved the Lord and their substance is set on the Lord.
And it was like a canopy, the protection of the Lord that even as the eye of the storm passed across your life, your finances, your mortgages, passed across the banks -
"And a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you." Only a spectator you will be.

This is another excerpt from Unknown Prophet written many years ago, but for all who have served the Lord faithfully with their substance, the Lord said:

"But for those who have been found faithful to My Father in the monetary matters of the earth, to those who have not set their heart upon the possessions and the riches that I have blessed them with, but have laid up their treasures in Heaven and have given of My substance to feed the poor and those of lesser fortune than themselves- for those who have poured out My substance through the vehicles that I have raised up to preach the gospel in these end-times and have given of their generously and joyfully with a thankful heart - to these ones comes a multiplication, a multiplication not as in the past. For in the past it was a multiplication of five and of tens, but in this coming time, says the Lord, I shall multiply My substance supernaturally upon these ones that it shall be a hundred and a thousandfold.

"And I shall yet open up unseen riches that until now have been hidden in the secret places of the Earth. And to these ones I shall pour out upon the gold of Ophir and the treasures of Solomon. I shall pour upon them the gold hidden deep under the earth and the oil, even the oil shall come into their hands. These will not have to tremble when My Judgement falls for I shall keep their substance safe in the eye of the storm. For their substance is indeed My substance and their inheritance is My inheritance. For they are the proven ones, the ones whose treasure is fixed in Me.

"And so in these latter days you shall see them come forth as guiding lights rising from within the world system but rising from out of the world's system. Yes they shall rise. Watch now and see if they will not come forth. And through them My ministers shall be blessed, and shall do their exploits, and through their faithfulness in the hidden places so My Gospel shall yet be financed and shall be preached through all the nations of the Earth. So be it. Amen."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My hope in America's times of trial ( new president word)

This is something I read a couple of years ago that gave me hope no matter who was elected. I personally didn't care for McCain and his wishy washy ways, but felt that having to vote between Obama or McCain it was clearly McCain. I think what would be awesome for God to do,(to knock this Country on its butt) would be that Obama would get born-again when he gets into office. And be the boldest Christian President ever! Think of it, how full of faith and wide eyed you where when you first got saved. I didn't care what anyone thought. I just found what I was looking for. I know the living God and I'm in his hands. I was on top of the world. I did a lot of silly things in faith because I just believed. I did what was right and didn't have to struggle to make a decision. It was the only choice and my own "wisdom" didn't get in the way. I still have to make those decisions but have to be weary not to let my own judgement cloud the voice of God. Anyway here is a Prophetic word that I stand on in these times.

June 28, 2007

Kim Clement:


Father God says, "The only time I turned My head and cried, the only time I turned My head in shame was when My Son took the sins, then I cried and looked away. A Father's heart remains untouched in the pain. Now I say to you, because of that holy, holy day a treasure will come forth because of the sacrifice. The children are waiting to hear the sound of the Father whispering in their ear 'I Love You.' There remains a Father's heart in this nation. I will bring the Fathers to the children, and I will bring the Fathers to their sons. The Spirit of Elijah is about to come upon this holy nation."

God says He wants to tell you something, "I Love You." The Spirit of God says "Prepare yourselves for the many changes and swift things that will begin to happen. As you know this is a time of acceleration; this is a time of favor. Is it not befitting for each one of you to take hold of the one thing that I have promised. The door has been opened, come up higher," says the Lord. "There is a place where you will see way beyond your present circumstances. It shall come to pass that many of you will latch on and take the treasure that has been released from the Kingdom of Heaven and you will bring it out of the eternal place into this place that you are living."

"Your youth," God says, "I'm about to raise them out of a place and put them in an unusual place. Your youth (I speak to this place here) are about to drive your enemy crazy. There is going to be a transference from the father to the sons and from the father to the daughters. There will be a transference of the anointing and a double portion shall raise your children up and make them the Presidents of this nation and make them the great ones with authority and with power."

God says "A President that I will bring into the White House--they will say he is ungodly--he does not know God. Even as Jesus disguised Himself for the great feasts, so I've disguised this man's heart. When he comes to the White House, not only shall he be Mine, but he shall pray as a man that has never prayed in the White House. That same man shall put his feet onto this platform. They will say, how did this take place? Laws shall change. Young men and young women will have access into the Kingdom and with authority into politics and with authority into the industries that now have been controlled by darkness because of this man that shall rule for two terms. Do not fear; there will be no unnecessary stuff. There will be things that men shall question. Fear not, for he shall sit in that seat, and suddenly My Spirit shall come upon him and baptize him with a fire and with anointing," says the Spirit of the Lord. "No more war. The time for war has gone. The time for Peace has come. The House that you call White shall receive a man, a knight, who fought for you in your nights."

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cougar Dream

I had a dream: I was on a porch of a house in the country. I looked out and I saw a cat I used to have. It was running at me and it changed into a bobcat, then a cougar. It was trying to bite and scratch me. I looked down and there was a baby there. The baby started trying to suckle from the cougar. This caused the cougar to stop the attack and focus on the baby. The cougar wanted to attack me but was satisfied with the baby. The baby kept trying to get milk from the cougar but there was none. So after the baby was gone the cougar was running around looking and attempting to attack again.
That was the end of dream.

I'm pretty sure the cougar is a sneaky kind of demonic attack. One maybe from some one I once knew. The baby could be a young christian trying to get milk from the wrong source or person. Please comment if the Lord gives you more insight.

Monday, August 11, 2008 Todd Bentley 8-8-08

music links

Video Clips 8-8-08 Todd Bentley

Here are some Video clips of 8-8-08 at Fort Mill, SC at MorningStar Ministries campus. Also know as Heritage International Ministries. Todd Bentley preached that night. At 5pm when service started it was 88 degrees out and 8 mph winds blowing, talk about prophetic for new beginnings! Srry but some of them where taken from cell phone so I know there hard to hear.

8-8-08 Fort Mills, SC Todd Bentley

8-8-08 Fort Mills, SC Todd Bentley

This is a new song Not yet recorded by Leonard Jones....Listen closely to words..they are awesome!!!!!

8-8-08 Fort Mills, SC Todd Bentley

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Part 1 spirit of Python Dream

The dream starts out when my wife and I walk in to a airport lobby. In the middle of the lobby there is this psychic guy or guru type guy hypnotizing 20 and 30 year olds and making them do weird things and entertainging those watching. Till all waiting to be hypnotized where. We walk up some stairs to a balcony and look down over the lobby. The people hypnotized where slithering like snakes and now they where lined up together in unison slithering like one large snake. They where now possesed. I said "Its the spirit of Python". I then began to pray or command. I said " In the name of Jesus Christ.." all of a sudden there was an explosion in the spirit realm and a bright flash in the airport and a large boom or clap of thunder. It happen as soon as I said Jesus Christ. All power of the enemy was broken and naught. I continued the pray and rebuked the spirit of Python. Everyone saw the flash and heard the boom. The psychic guy now looked like he was maybe a shaman from India. He came up the stairs to find out what that power was that destroyed his power and he began wanting to know what that was or is. That was end of that part of dream.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Frustrated Fishing

Well what can I say. I've been soo hungry for the presence of God for the past six months I don't know what to do. To make a long story short, I'm waiting on break through in entering the Heavenlies. To have a lifestyle of open heavens. But ever since about five months ago it seems that everytime my faith is there or there is a move of the Spirit of God that there seems to be a "cap" on my head. It feels like some thing is on my head blocking me from recieving from God or to enter into a vision, or to discern spiritually. It also sometimes feels like I have a vise on my head. I have recieved prophetic words that they saw Jesus and angels helping in my deliverance in this area. But in the mean time I've been studing and praying about the Seer mantle that is on my life. I have been reading books on the Seer ministry. I've been listening to every tape I can get my hands on about visions, trances, visitations and open heavens. I recently started getting up early in the morning at about 5am to seek the lord. I can't tell you how hard that is for me. Today was about the 3rd day of me getting up. And as I sat there meditating and praying I was getting frustrated that I was up soo early and nothing had been happening. No visions or manifestations of the Lord. But I decided I was not gonna let that stop me. So at about 6am my wife comes in, plops right down next to me. My first thought was she was gonna destract me during this time that I had concecrated to the Lord. So about ten minutes of her being there....she tells me she just had a vision. Instantly I was mad and frustrated. I was like you got to be kidding me. I felt like I was the guy fishing all day at a special spot and used every lure I had and still nothing. Then she comes along and on the first cast catches a 10 pound bass. So this is just some of the frustration I'm going through today. I'm still hungry and will persevere. I love the Lord and I've got to know him intimately. By the way the vision she had was that she started walking down a hall into a corricor and at the end of the corridor was a big door. When she got there the door open and it was like she was looking over a land or valley. Then the Lord told her it was the Land of Canaan. The land of milk and honey. She asked the Lord how to get down there. He said you have to follow the path to get there. I'm sure one day I'll have a message on pressing in till you get your break through.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Kim Clement: Prophetic Word

Kim Clement:
"As Records are Broken with HEAT, so I Tell You: You Shall Achieve the Highest Degree of GROWTH!"
The Fires Were a Sign

July 20, 2008 - Pasadena, California

For the Spirit of the Lord says, "Do you realize that I sent signs - men have started fires in California and there has been smoke, there has been pollution. There is a great spirit of hypocrisy on this state which I will expose," says the Lord.

"And I will start in Sacramento, for the governing powers have behaved under the power of the spell of men and women who wish to see nothing else but destruction. Why is my Church doing the same thing?" God says, "I will swiftly invade and I will bring a fire to consume the evil that has been reported and swiftly and suddenly change your economy in California," says the Spirit of God.

The Spirit of the Lord says, "People shall say, 'What do we do now?' But the fires were a sign. I have taken it and chosen them to be a sign. Now, because of this evil that has been done, I will once again bring fire into the lives of men and women and burn out the unbelief, burn out the fear, and bring you to a place where you shall be the elect of the Lord," says the Lord.

In just a few days, next week, God said, "You will hear news and it shall bring fear to men. They shall say, 'Did his heart fail? Did his heart fail?' But God said, "Do not fear. I will bring righteousness back again, and I will bring direction to my house."

Property, Property, Property, Property!

"Property, property, property, property is going to be yours, says the Lord. There has been attack against your property, there has been attack against your homes and your houses - to tear down your walls and to pull you out and minimize your faith." God said, "Enough! Now I say to you, property, property, property, property - four times shall you be restored, says the Lord!

"By March of 2009 it will be a complete opposite to what it is now," says the Lord.

There will be a new vehicle that will emerge from Ford as it joins forces with another motor company. It shall be something that shall stand next to every European car.

God said, "I want to bring pride back to this Nation, and surely I will, says the Lord. If you would take this relentless flow of good news and speak it out, I will grant you favor and give you the property that you need to build My house, says the Lord of Hosts."

Watch this Christmas

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying to me, "I am preparing one of the most prosperous Christmases for My people!" This could possibly be one of the greatest Christmases ever for the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, for, "Twice - twice," the Spirit says, "I will embarrass Iran. Twice I will embarrass Iran and it will attempt to do something against Israel. Twice I will embarrass it, says the Lord. Watch how this Christmas will be some of your greatest victories," says the Spirit of the Lord!

An Election of a Lifetime

June 29, 2008 - Tampa, Florida

The Spirit of God says, "Get ready for an election of a lifetime. This is going to be the biggest joke, for this is going to be an election of a lifetime."

And God said, "Right here in Florida I'm going to do some turning around. Right here in Florida I'm going to do some turning upside down." God said, "You have been a determining factor for too long. Many say, 'What is it that God has chosen in this state?'" God said, "Watch and see. Because you see fire has come against you, but once again from this soil and from this place I will turn things upside down.

"It seems as if your coffers are empty; it seems as if there is not money." God said, "I'm about to turn things upside down. I'm about to turn things upside down. People will say, 'Is it Republican or is it Democrat? What is it?'" The Spirit of God said, "Fear not. For from this state I will turn things upside down. Why? Why? Why? Because," God said, "I'm going to do some vindication, some exposures, and you will hear and say, 'We heard it before it happened.'"

God said, "Don't concern yourself about the economy. The economy of the Kingdom is dictating to you what's going to happen. Fire, what are you? Fire, what are you? Only a place to reveal the Son of God."

Unity and a Sound from Heaven to the State of Florida

God said, "I'm going to bring unity as never before, because when the fragrance of unity comes before Me, I'm going to bring a blessing upon you like you've never dreamed about," says the Spirit of the Lord. "And I will make you one. I will make one, one with the Son."

The Spirit of God says, "There has been an attempt to break down and divide. The serpent has come in to destroy, but I have sent you the prophet this summer to tell you: Enough, enough, enough! For even as the priest took the oil, the holy oil, and applied it to the head, applied it to the hands, applied it to the feet, so I am doing this today," says the Lord.

"People of God, hear Me. The word of the Lord has come, and the enemy has said, 'We will cause this leprosy to spread.' But tonight in this place as the prophet speaks, I will send you suddenly, as I did in the Upper Room, the sound of a mighty rushing wind. So I will suddenly send the sound from Heaven to this state, to this people, but it shall be different," says the Spirit of God.

You Shall Achieve the Highest Degree of Growth this Season!

"It shall be different, it shall be different. The sound that is coming to you shall not wait another summer. This summer I make a declaration: As records are broken with heat, so I tell you: you shall achieve the highest degree of growth, for this is a season of expansion, this is a season of growth," says the Lord.

"I'm going to send you children - Samuel and David, Esther. I'm going to send you little children so the world will know - so the world will know. I'm going to send you a little Samuel. I'm going to send you a little David, Ruth, and Esther. So the world will know, so the world will know, the world will know the heart of a child, the heart of a child is coming back to America. And the faith of a child is coming back to America - the heart of a child, the faith of a child, the love of a child, the speech of a child - and I will begin in this place," says the Lord. "I'm going to send you the child."

The Spirit of God says, "I instructed My prophet to impart upon you this next season. Leprosy, a subtle form of darkness, has been annihilated," says the Lord.

"In the summer I'm bringing a growth, an expansion as you have dreamed about. And who is this that tells you that you have a recession? Ha! Who told you that?" says the Spirit. "For this is My word to My prophet to you: Tonight, today - beginning now - your season of your highest degree of growth has begun," says the Lord!

Heat Records Shall be Broken as a Sign

The Spirit of God says, "If you believe the words of the prophet, if you believe the words of the Lord, if you believe that your expansion and your growth has just been released, run to this altar! Get to this altar now!" says the Lord. God said, "As your voices come before Me, something is opening up that I have unlocked tonight.

"For even as you have felt the degrees, the heat throughout the summer - as you have felt the heat throughout the summer, even up to now - there shall be records broken. It shall be a sign: the earth shall boil. For," God said, "they shall say, 'What is happening in the soil? Shall we talk about global warming?' What do those that live on My earth know about what I have structured for the universe? Do not mock Me, do not mock Me," says the Lord, "with global warming."

For the Spirit of God said, "Things will be shown and will be revealed in these next two years that shall come from the earth, that will prove the creation of man, that shall prove some of the Biblical things that have happened," says the Lord.

"Watch through the summer as the degrees go high and then suddenly low, low." For God said, "Do you know what it is? It is a sign that I am sending to you: You are about to attain your highest degree; you are about to attain your highest degree of growth and expansion for the next season," says the Lord.

"You've come to the end of the crossroads," says the Lord. "You've come to the end of your time of death. You've come to the end, to the time of your famine; you've come to the end of your drought - you've come to the end of it," says the Lord. "This is the beginning of your expansion! This is the beginning of your growth!" says the Lord.

"Tonight I will place keys in your hands. Keys to unlock, keys to unlock, keys to unlock," says the Lord, "that which has been locked for this time. I'm putting keys in your hands," says the Lord of Hosts.

Look Back No More, Look AHEAD

The Spirit of God says, "Lift your hands up! Lift your voices up! Open those hands! Open those hands, for I'm going to put keys in your hands," says the Lord, "and I'm beginning right here in Tampa, Florida," says the Spirit of God. "And they shall say, 'Why did the Lord come to this place to give us the keys to unlock?'

"For," God said, "I have heard your hearts and you have said, 'We have come to the end of the time of the drought. We have come to the end of the time of famine, we have come to the end of it,'" says the Spirit of the Lord. "No more!" God said, "You know what? You have come to the time that is ending now, you have come to the end of it. Therefore, look back no more lest you turn into a pillar of salt," says the Lord.

"I want no man to look behind him. No more shall you look back to the time of drought and famine, to the time of perversion, to the time of upset." God said, "You look back and you shall become salt and you will have no power to move on. Look ahead, for what is ahead," says the Lord, "are the lush grounds and the lush soil that I'm about to release to you. Properties, properties, properties, properties, properties!

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof!"

The Spirit of God said, "Even as you say these words, you sound like the children of Israel of old that stood together, and when the ark of the covenant came into the midst of them they began to shout and the enemy began to hear them shout. And when they heard the people of God shouting, they said, 'Woe unto us, for God has come into the midst of them.'" For the Spirit of God said, "Tonight your enemies are listening and they are hearing a shout and they are saying, 'Woe unto us!' Your enemy is listening to you shout."

Take the Keys - What You Have Believed For Is Yours!

"Take the keys, take the keys, take the keys, take the keys, take the keys!

"What's been locked," says the Spirit of the Lord, "is now about to be opened up. I will move you from the east to the west and you will have property upon property," says the Lord. "And you shall be as one voice on the east and one voice on the west. You shall be as one sound on the east and one sound on the west. Why? For I have linked you together with this prophet and this man of God so there will be one sound between the east coast and the west coast." God said, "You are the partakers of this, therefore get ready for there are properties that shall be released for My Kingdom and for My people. And what you have believed for is yours!

Strike, strike, we strike at the very core of poverty. We strike at the very core of anger. We strike at the very core of religion. We strike at the very core of witchcraft. We strike at the very core of division. We strike at the very core of racism. We strike at the very core of control. We strike at the very core of demonic interruption. We strike at the very core of lying spirits today. We strike, we strike, we strike!

Take the keys, take the keys, take the keys, take the keys, take the keys. Do you have them?

Suddenly...A Grand Moment of Opportunity!

I need somebody to take what is in the prophet's spirit and remove the burden from him. You see, I carry a word; just one word is sufficient. God said, "I need some people that will take the revelation, the future, the eternal thing that is in you and make it temporary, bringing it into their present moment. I need somebody that will receive the prophet's words that they become the firstfruits." This house God has chosen. This people has He called, cleansed, sanctified and now released the keys to, suddenly.

The Spirit of God said, "There were no calculations throughout history." Look in your Bible. There were always "suddenly" moments. Suddenly a lion appeared from the vineyards to come against Samson. Suddenly. Samson made an immediate adjustment and his suddenly moment of fear and crisis became a grand moment of opportunity. Suddenly.

God said, "There was never a calculated moment for My people to ponder, to think. Suddenly there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind and it filled the house where they were sitting, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, tongues of fire sat upon them. Then that suddenly moment took a hold of human beings and filled them with eternity. An eternal promise became theirs in a mortal body.

"You stand before Him; raise your hands and," God said, "take that which is eternal, this which the prophet has given to you by word, by promise, and receive it in your house. What is it that he has said? The highest degree of growth and expansion has begun today in the state of Florida. Keys have been released, and that which was closed to you, tomorrow shall be opened."

Inspiration, Anticipation, Passion & Expectation Unlocked

"There has been an isolation and an imprisonment of inspiration; there has been an isolation of anticipation. Men no longer come in grand anticipation to God. There has been an isolation of passion and expectation, which is about to be unlocked by you, My servants. That your children will say, 'Come and let us go to the house of the Lord, to the Lord God of Israel. We will talk of His ways and we will rejoice in Him.'

"For you see, what you do today is you are obtaining information that is about to change your future - Eve and Adam took a bite of false information which changed their future completely. Tonight the information that is granted to you to consume and to eat is about to change your future.

"For the words that have been spoken to you come not from a serpent or as (one) acting as an angel of light, but the voice that comes from God is to insure you that this nation's economy will change suddenly. A period of growth and expansion has begun. Keys have unlocked inspiration, anticipation, expectation, passion so that your children will be affected," says the Lord.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Kim Clement's Itinerary:
August 1, 2008 at 7:30pm
Upper Room
722 Deer Park
Dix Hills, NY
Contact: 631-242-5359

August 2, 2008 at 10:00am - 1:00pm
Jesus Loves New York
Times Square 43rd Street and Broadway
Contact: (631) 242-5359

August 3, 2008 at 11:00am
(631) 242-5359

August 8-9, 2008 at 7:00pm
Lancaster High School
44701 32th St. West
Lancaster, CA 93536

Monday, July 28, 2008 UK Feed Low


Saturday, July 26, 2008 USA Feed Low


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dream of Old

It has been burning and turning in my heart about the word of knowledge or discernment a friend had a couple days ago concerning me being a Seer. So I started to reflect and meditate on that since it is a desire on my heart to move in that annointing. I know formost that I'm called as a evangelist. But I was reminded of a dream a good friend of mine had about 8 years ago. I don't remember too many details. But what I do remember was he said that he and I where in this small white country church. It was full of youth and we where preachin to them. What was interesting and I havn't been able to forget was that just one of our eyes was normal and looking straight at crowd. But our other eye was like a red spiral spining and spining. I believe that is the Seer anointing on us. Comment if you may have different understanding.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Friendship with God

This is a excerpt from Todd Bentley's book that just revolutionized me.
The book is The Reality Of The Supernatural World. This is a must read for you saints.

"Friendship with God

Then the Lord showed me that His secrets and His power are for those who have sweet, satisfiying companionship with Him. "The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His signs and wonders ministry: "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15).
God came down and visited Moses. He would speak to Moses as a friend speaks to a friend, face-to-face. I believe that today, God is calling His people into an intimate friendship with Him, in which He can begin to speak to them in trust, face-to-face. In a restaurant one day I found that I knew things about people whom I'd never met. I knew that a man there was gay. I looked at the waitress and I could feel she had some kind of sickness in her belly. Later in the day on a flight, my spiritual antenna picked up signals and I heard people's thoughts. I prayed,"What do You want me to do with this, God? Tell me who this is for and I'll just tell everybody on the airplane their destiny and lead them all to You."
Then the Lord said to me: "No, Todd, you're My friend and I'm just sharing things with My friend. I don't want you to tell just anybody about what I'm showing you. You don't have to do anything. We have sweet, satisfying companionship togther, and so I'm sharing the secrets of what's going on in My heart, but that doesn't mean you need to tell everybody. Those who are My real friends, I trust and I give them understanding of what I'mdoing in the earth today. I'm going to trust My friends with end-time power in the earth. It's going to be based on intimacy and friendship."
The Father wants us to enter into a friendship with Him so He can just tell us things, like: "I'm going to let you in on what I'm doing right now in the South. An earthquake will shake that area tomorrow--I'm sahring this with you because we're buddies and I trust you." Signs, wonders, and prophetic insights are all going to come through friendship; but it's not just about signs and wonders; it's about intimacy with God. Although the visitation in the hotel room was a profound supernatural encounter, the Father's greatest message to me was that He wanted to be my intimate friend. I believe that as we all enter this place of friendship with Him, the Father will also release us into the fullness of our destiny.
If readign this chapter has imparted a desire to demonstrate the supernatural and a craving for more intimate relationship with God, the next chapter will help you begin to activate this spiritual inheritance that is yours in Christ. "

Friday, July 18, 2008

Chat Room words I have recieved

These are some prophetic words to me personally or to the church that happened while watchin the Florida Revival and chating in The Upper Chat Room.

12:26 StandingStrong : I se a vision of my hair and head on fire but don't feel the heat
12:26 sniperelectech : StandingSrong pass some of that vision here
12:27 StandingStrong : you want it sniper?
12:27 StandingStrong : raise your hands to receive it
12:27 StandingStrong : laying hands on teh screen and imparting it now in the name of JEsUS
2:28 StandingStrong : sniper...saw the "whole package deal" was imparted to you
I declare...Lord is going to be giving vehicles in this season

pull it out prophetically sniper. I see you are to

12:30 StandingStrong : the vehicle for your wife

12:30 StandingStrong : then wait for the manifestation

12:31 StandingStrong : sniper...more will come at the same time as that vehicle

12:31 StandingStrong : things you weren't expecting

12:32 StandingStrong : Sniper I say to you EXPECT IN THE NAME OF JESUSSSSSSSSS!!!! BAM BAM BAM

12:32 StandingStrong : Sniper...your slate financially is gonna be wiped clean

12:32 StandingStrong : stand on this word, Lord is showing it to me

12:33 StandingStrong : I see flowers coming up where there were once piles of bills and worries

2:34 StandingStrong : NEW LIFE there for ya sniper....God is doing a new thing in your life

12:34 StandingStrong : like the got an entire package deal coming your way

12:34 StandingStrong : it's already there with you

12:34 StandingStrong : I see it all laid all around your feet

12:35 StandingStrong : sniper....hope your writing this down

12:35 StandingStrong : speak it out

12:35 StandingStrong : align yourself with it, with GOD

12:36 StandingStrong : say YES LORD YES I could use a new thing a new day

12:36 StandingStrong : LOrd I could use newness arisng where there was once stacks of bills and worries

12:43 StandingStrong : there's more sniper
12:43 StandingStrong : YOur gonna get an early inheritance
12:43 StandingStrong : that was for sniper, the early inheritance

My Friend Tom shared this visitation:

12:11 tom71 : Ok , for those of you who just joined, Jesus appeared to me 20 mins ago, and told me this.
12:11 tom71 : jesus speaks: No longer, no longer shall my church be timid and weak. Just as Elijah openly challenged the followers of Baal (1King18:24), my church will speak with passion and with clarity. No longer will they be quiet. With boldness and with authority will the church speak the Good News.
12:12 tom71 : Jesus speaks: And my church will openly challenge the secular and islamic forces. As I have done for Elijah (1King18:37-39), the same will I do for my children.

May 19, 2008
12:48 StandingStrong : saw vice grips, saw spirit holding them being contained, vice grips removed, hand with anointed balm holding over area which had been gripped and healing is soaking in
12:49 StandingStrong : I see this anointed balm goes all the way through your brain and to your eyes
12:50 StandingStrong : and will be saturating and soaking for a while
12:50 StandingStrong : maybe days
12:51 StandingStrong : sense you will experience fuzzy seeing for a bit, while balm is there in your eyes, but not to worry
12:51 StandingStrong : being taken to new level in sight
12:51 StandingStrong : everything loosening up
12:51 StandingStrong : things washing out
12:52 StandingStrong : oiled up in the name of Jesus, brain working more effectively
12:52 StandingStrong : in the name of Jesus
12:52 StandingStrong : effective brain function
12:59 StandingStrong : something about your toes too
12:59 StandingStrong : I see angels taking the anointed balm and working it into the cuticles of your toes
12:59 StandingStrong : now entire feet area
12:59 SniperGLoryFire : me?
12:59 StandingStrong : yes snipe
01:00 StandingStrong : Snipe, now your fingers and hands
01:01 StandingStrong : Lord going from the outside now and anointing your eyes
01:01 StandingStrong : snipe, Lord is taking something off your eyes
01:01 StandingStrong : has something in his hands
01:01 StandingStrong : puts his hands back on your eyes and holds them there awhile
01:02 StandingStrong : seems eyes are tender, vulnerable
01:04 StandingStrong : snipe...been placed in like a horse tank full of balm
01:06 StandingStrong : because your getting totally satuturated
01:07 StandingStrong : watch for subliminal messages in thoughts
01:09 StandingStrong : snipe, out of the horse tank, being washed with water by the Lord
01:09 StandingStrong : see you coughing and spitting stuff out
01:09 StandingStrong : see crystal clear cleansing has taken place

AAustralia’s Word to Church and chat room.

11:24 AAustralia : God told me I had to share this straight away, I had to share this with the church please seek the lord directly, Todd will know what this means.
11:24 AAustralia : I was in the glory and I had a vision of two diamonds, the diamonds were high in the solar system. High, they were very high, I saw stars all around.
11:25 AAustralia : The diamonds were a princess cut diamond, two together, the faces of the diamonds faced each other so you could only see the edges of the facets and the two strong points, one towards heaven and the other towards earth. It was suspended in the sky.
11:25 AAustralia : The facets were shining colour light out of them, and I suddenly had a vision up close of colours, blue, orange, and red, green. I felt a beautiful Glory, so soft and yet so strong, it was smoky. I suddenly saw that there was this opening from the facet, each colour and facet meant something differe
11:25 AAustralia : They were like portals of colour.
11:26 AAustralia : I then somehow saw myself in another colour and the Lord said “You can walk around the facet. I remember you could walk around the facet and enter into the colours of the different facets. I saw people down below, on earth many people, I could only see their heads.
11:26 AAustralia : I suddenly saw the sun on one side of the facet and the moon on the other, then I saw these rays that came from the facets of the diamonds and they hit the sun and the moon.
11:26 AAustralia : Then the rays hit the earth, I could see all the colours, the rays were going into houses and the streets and the churches everywhere. Like a laser show
11:26 AAustralia : Then I saw a group of people, now I was on earth and the diamond descended, they ( the people) were looking at the point of the facet, they were in circle around this big huge thing, it was strange, they were unsure about what it was, but just continued to look at it
11:27 AAustralia : Suddenly the diamonds started to spin and out of the point I could see all these colours, again the people were watching, suddenly the diamond started going higher, it ascended. The colours from the lights/ rays started touching people and I saw people on the ground, slain on the streets of the earth
11:27 AAustralia : I suddenly saw people high up where the diamond was and it seemed like they were walking on roads. The roads lead to and into the different colours of the facets, the facets opened like a door would and the people started walking inside them.
11:27 AAustralia : I heard the heart of Jesus and he said, Can’t you see??? Can’t you see? Its only as they look at the diamond will they walk in unity? It was the point the very centre. It was him. His heart is crying for his people to focus on the diamond. It was a company of people.
11:27 AAustralia : We are now I believe only looking starting to look at the point of the diamond……
11:28 AAustralia : Please, understand, the greater revelation and significance on this prophesy, vision, the facets are the different ministries coming together, the lord is saying I will bring the ministries together that will come together and will stand on/ in the face /ET of the diamond together.
11:28 AAustralia : The bride will see her Bridegroom face to face, it’s a face to face time, it’s a releasing of mantles, and it’s the fullness of Jesus. It will include the display of his majesty
11:28 AAustralia : The diamonds are revival; the diamonds are called revival;
11:28 AAustralia : Diamond- Hebrews (Strong’s) 3095- Precious Stone- 1986- Hal am- To Strike down, to conquer, hammer, to stamp, disband, break, overcome, smite. Hardness to scratch.
11:28 AAustralia : 8104 8105- To hedge about, to protect, to guard, attend to, mark, preserve, sure, lay, wait for, something preserved, wine, to lay wait for, watchman.
11:29 AAustralia : The Lord says....”Look after this diamond, you have laid wait for it, look after it and protect it, guard it, preserve it, continue to look at it and you will conquer, you will overcome, attend to it, attend to it.”
11:29 AAustralia : Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 8:45 PM

June 9 2008

10:33 StandingStrong : I hear two things for you snipe
10:33 SniperGLoryFire : It is really stirring in my heart
10:34 StandingStrong : DO not despise humble beginnings AND
10:34 StandingStrong : THINK BIGGER
10:34 SniperGLoryFire : This is my Jerusalem
10:34 StandingStrong : I see that too snipe
10:34 StandingStrong : it's your start
10:34 StandingStrong : I also see you starting a car
10:35 StandingStrong : it's getting ignited as you turn the ignition
10:35 SniperGLoryFire : vroom
10:35 StandingStrong : car being your ministry
10:35 StandingStrong : I see youwere like a pre teen
10:35 StandingStrong : you were given this car by your Dad
10:35 StandingStrong : and could only go out there and sit in it
10:35 StandingStrong : wash it
10:35 SniperGLoryFire : lol yes
10:35 StandingStrong : take pictures of it
10:35 StandingStrong : dream in it
10:35 StandingStrong : now you got your license
10:35 StandingStrong : and will get to drive it!
10:36 StandingStrong : there is no stopping you now!
10:36 StandingStrong : there is no limits on you snipe!
10:36 StandingStrong : your just going to take off!!!!!!
0:36 StandingStrong : new found freedom
10:36 StandingStrong : shortly other things will change too
10:36 SniperGLoryFire : amen
10:36 StandingStrong : just as a teen grows up and moves out
10:36 StandingStrong : there will be a moving out in your life too
10:36 StandingStrong : new way of moving in the Lord
10:37 StandingStrong : under the stars
10:37 StandingStrong : GBU as you continue to pursue your destiny endeavors with the Lord
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : Hallelujah
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : I feel that Standing
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : Destiny
10:38 StandingStrong : it's touched on your destiny
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : ha ha bet ya
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : lol
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : Amen
10:38 StandingStrong : it's BIG snipe!!!
10:38 StandingStrong : think BIGGER
10:38 StandingStrong : more OUT DA BOX then even before!
10:38 StandingStrong : get out da box
10:38 StandingStrong : get out da box
10:38 StandingStrong : get out!I say
10:39 StandingStrong : snipe
10:39 SniperGLoryFire : boldness
10:39 StandingStrong : GET OUT DA BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:41 StandingStrong : I am seeing the Lord going around with this box of matches
0:41 StandingStrong : and one after another
10:41 StandingStrong : He is striking those matches
10:42 StandingStrong : and tossing them on HIS PEOPLE
10:42 StandingStrong : not just areas
10:42 StandingStrong : BUT HIS PEOPLE
10:42 StandingStrong : and as He does this?
10:42 SniperGLoryFire : I got hit
10:42 StandingStrong : they are released into their callings!!!!
10:42 SniperGLoryFire : and I had gas on me
10:42 StandingStrong : things we been waiting for all our lives
10:42 StandingStrong : the time of release has now come
10:42 StandingStrong : get ready, get ready
10:43 StandingStrong : this kind of fire you encourage
10:43 StandingStrong : pour more gas on yourself
10:43 StandingStrong : more Lord more
10:43 StandingStrong : like Todd teaches, when you feel the anointing, etc, you ask for MORE

10:58 StandingStrong : wow...Lord's given you a keyless thingy to start your car snipe

10:58 StandingStrong : I don't k now what they are called

11:07 jesusfreakMT : you must be a seer also sniper
11:08 jesusfreakMT : are you a seer?
11:08 SniperGLoryFire : not yet
11:08 SniperGLoryFire : Evangelist
11:09 jesusfreakMT : definately seer sniper....
11:09 jesusfreakMT : you already got it
11:09 SniperGLoryFire : why do you think that? just curious
11:09 jesusfreakMT : just what i am hearing..
11:09 jesusfreakMT : can't explain it
11:09 SniperGLoryFire : Amen....I recieve that then
11:09 jesusfreakMT : just happens
11:10 SniperGLoryFire : Something suppose to happen tonight
11:10 jesusfreakMT : I ask for more of that for you sniper.....
11:10 jesusfreakMT : full blown anointing
11:10 jesusfreakMT : God is getting ready to rock your world sniper....
11:10 jesusfreakMT : be prepared....
11:11 jesusfreakMT : "expect the unexpected"
11:11 jesusfreakMT : that is what i am hearing for you sniper
11:11 jesusfreakMT : be blessed my friend
11:12 SniperGLoryFire : amen
11:13 jesusfreakMT : Hey sniper.....
11:13 jesusfreakMT : do you journal?
11:16 jesusfreakMT : awesome sniper...... i saw you are to journal....
11:16 jesusfreakMT : dligently

Chicago Prophetic Voice

This is a testimony from a friend in Chicago.

To get more info about this ministry and see more works of the Lord, click the title to visit the awesome ministry's site. I'm sure this testimony will bless you and stir the hunger for more.

Chicago Prophetic Blast, May 2008

I was so awestruck after the event that I could hardly find words to describe what took place. The hunger of the people in our region and the glory of God displayed was like nothing I had ever seen or experienced before. Dr. Lance Wallnau took us through a new experience in declaring unity as we corporately shouted "AS ONE!" Each time we did this the atmosphere shifted.

Drs. Billie & Al Deck led the session on Prophetic Intercession with such wisdom and grace. Billie is supernaturally covered in gold dust most of the time and at the end of the 2nd session she and Al anointed everyone with gold and oil. I was the keyboardist for them and the 2nd session I got to play the same piano Kim Clement had used the night before. The anointing was SO STRONG on the platform that I kept looking up to see the angels.

I will never forget how Kim Clement looked the first night he ministered at the Mega Center in St. Charles, IL. As the people pressed in for the glory, there was a visible look of shock on his face. The people in our region were SO HUNGRY for the glory of God that we worshipped for hours. On Saturday night I saw two glows of light on stage. One was a small angel next to the drummer, and the other was what looked like a giant head. When I saw the head, I was filled with the fear of God and dropped the floor. Later I learned from my 10 year old son that what I saw was just the head of an approximately 300 - 400 foot long angel, who'se head was over the platform, and who'se feet extended out the back of the building. He saw the entire angel, and there were other witnesses who saw it as well. He told me the angel's wings were over the assembly and as the angel fanned it's wings, the people would respond. There was also a visible cloud that appeared over the platform and many people reported that when they put their hands up into it, they could feel rain falling on their hands.
The Florida Revival Outpouring, June 2008
Shortly after The Chicago Prophetic Blast, the elders of our church, where my husband is senior pastor, sent three of us to the revival in Florida. Just prior to the revival, I experienced rapidly progressing hearing loss. Over a span of one year, every time I saw the doctor the hearing loss worsened. My doctor wanted to do an MRI to look for a brain tumor.
On June 5th we flew to Lakeland and attended the evening session. Todd Bentley called out deafness being healed, and suddenly it was like someone turned up the volume in the room. I could hear everything with crystal clarity, including side conversations next to me! On June 7th my husband and I volunteered to be on the pastoral prayer ministry team with Fresh Fire in Lakeland. Two people we prayed for with hearing loss were healed! On June 27, a couple weeks after we returned from Lakeland, I was invited to speak at the Women's Watering Hole in Addison, IL. My very good friends Pastor Theresa Phillips and Roberta Karls came to support and minister with me. The Lord told me to do an impartation for people to hear in the Spirit and many raised their hands to say that their ears opened up and they could hear! Also several women with hearing loss and pain in their ears asked for prayer and reported marked improvement.

I share these things to say that I am amazed how God healed my ears. This healing was not just for me, but it was a supernatural impartation that God began to release and transfer through us to other people. Transferrable anointing is exactly what Todd Bentley has been talking about! And this opening up of my ears was not just about hearing in the natural, but it also opened up hearing in the supernatural as David Tomberlain prophesied dreams and visions over me before we left Lakeland!
"The Happening"
Kim Clement prophesied that one of the signs of revival in Chicago would be called "The Happening." That really struck me as my husband was involved with a retreat team many years ago called "The Happening." He was so excited about this word that on June 11, the day we returned from Lakeland, Florida, he held a revival meeting at our church and called it "The Holy Spirit Happening." The first meeting we did fire impartations and many began to hear from God. We've had twice a month meetings ever since and at each meeting there have been physical healings and people getting filled with the Holy Spirit! The meetings start with one hour of soaking prayer and then go into worship and it's been amazing to see how God is drawing us deeper...drawing us higher...drawing us to seek the greater GLORY!

Encounter Women Of The Glory July 2008

I am usually a worship leader at The Encounter, but this time Pastor Theresa asked me to be a speaker. It was a little out of my comfort zone as a Lutheran pastor's wife to make this switch, but God was so faithful and the process He began in opening my ears to hear in the Spirit continued. The week before The Encounter the Lord gave me three revelations. On June 3rd the Lord translated me in the Spirit into the holy of holies and revealed an altar of peace with incense on it, where people ascend to worship Him. On July 4th He showed me in Judges 6 where Gideon had an encounter with an angel, and then built an altar to the Lord calling it, "The Lord Is Peace." Before I had time to think about it, I was instantly visited by the Angel of Peace, the LARGEST angel I had ever seen, who gave me an impartation of peace, and carried me in his hands and dropped me right into the lap of the Prince of Peace. The Lord showed me that the reason the Angel of Peace was the largest angel, is because INTIMACY with God is the KEY to living in the supernatural.

Then on June 5th, the Lord took me into ANOTHER vision where I saw a gondola (a small Venitian style boat) on a river. The boat had long peaks on either tip and there were just a few people in the boat. Suddenly the river became turbulent and dangerous and the people cried out to God. A camouflaged giant angel, almost as big as the Angel of Peace from the day before, slipped out from between the trees, and unbeknownst to the people in the boat, the angel picked up the gondola by one of the protruding tips, and with his other hand he smoothed out the river like an iron on an ironing board. Then he gently set the boat back down on the water and slipped back into his hiding place between the trees. At this point Jesus appeared on the riverbank and extended his hand to me. I took his hand and we walked together on the smooth water. As we got closer to the boat, the people saw Jesus, but they could not see me. The MOMENT they saw Jesus, they all ABANDONED SHIP! The moment He manifested, they ran away!

I said at The Encounter that I intended to talk about intimacy with God and the impartation from the Angel of Peace, but while I was sharing these revelations the Lord told me to share about the gondola. The Lord then told me while we all want solutions to our problems, God wants us to go for more than just our problems being fixed. He wants us to go for the greater glory! He wants people who will not run away when He manifests! After the people digested this, God said He wanted to be crystal clear about one thing, and that is WHEN HE MANIFESTS, it INCLUDES the things He does. We cannot separate Him from His hand. Whether it be gold or silver or gems or oil or feathers or healings or miracles or provision...or perhaps a new thing we have never before seen or heard of...He wants people who will not run away when He manifests...but who will instead RUN TO HIM!

Jodi Hanson shared a powerful personal testimony about how God brought her through one of the most difficult experiences in her life, and then how God gave her revelation about heavenly keys. God was giving her these keys not only to get through extreme difficulty, but also so she and her husband would be given access to places where there had been no access before...keys that would open doors where the kingdom of God could be advanced! After Jodi shared her testimony, we did an impartation together, releasing the keys of heaven and angelic visitations.

God wove all of this together so beautifully as Taffy Furr shared a word about the sound of heaven being released, Pastor Theresa shared about the angel of Courage (who visited our church 6 months prior!) and the angel of Grace. Billie Deck had an amazing word for the young people and throughout The Encounter many were healed through specific words of knowledge released by both Pastor Theresa and Billie Deck, and a number of young people were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time! Damon Stuart's team did a fantstic job of leading worship and healings were released prophetically even as we worshipped. Other very powerful corporate words were shared by Paulette Horvant and Bonnie San-Hamel. While Bonnie was prophesying favor and restoration over Pastor Theresa and Robert Phillips, ruby dust began to manifest ALL OVER the back of the room. It was literally falling everywhere, and it kept coming for at least 2 hours. After the meeting people were still on hands and knees picking it up.

"The VOICE of the Lord is powerful; the VOICE of the Lord is majestic...the VOICE of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning...AND ALL IN HIS TEMPLE CRY, 'GLORY!'" Psalm 29: 5, 7 & 9

We cry Glory! More Glory Lord, more for Chicago! May the fire of revival come!!!

Dawn Okpisz (email) (worship director, pastor's wife) (advisor, psalmist & editor)
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared for those who love Him!" 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Part II of Friends documented visits to Heaven!!!

Some more of Fiona's wonderful visits to Heaven.

1st June 2008 - Healing of my Inner Child
I am in heaven, I see the throne room, He is high and lifted up! I breathed so deeply there, it is wonderful in here no problems.
Ah it is just so great here, ah so peaceful so strong, the light of heaven has come and is casting out all darkness
Now I am in a dark place hiding and Jesus opened the door and the light of heaven shined on me, I see Jesus, He is reaching in with both hands, picking me up and holding me tight, He turned around and started walking me out of there.
I sense that sense of resting, and taking it all in, calm and at peace, safe, secure, at rest , : so free, so happy, totally safe.
He is rocking my inner child, He is healing something I never even remembered, my mother would scream at me to shut up and stop crying, wow, he's soothing me, oh I am soooooo loved.
He is healing the wounds, sealing them up, so peaceful, this is wonderful!, wowow, so so peaceful here, wow that was amazing.

23rd May 2008 - Vision of the Colours Of Heaven
This is the transcript of the vision -
HEAVEN IS OPENING, I feel it through my ear, a pulling through my ear
I can hear the trumpets, I hear celebrations, heaven is pulling at me
There's a room full of body parts in heaven, I've just seen it, there's angels going in and out getting different parts right now, angels are being dispatched all over, taking healing and body parts.
I'm just seeing light, brightness, I'm drifting between heaven and earth backwards and forwards.
I see the angels and the trumpets again, they're getting ready to blow again THOSE TRUMPETS ARE BEING RAISED TO REJOICE IN THE HEAVENS.
Yes I see angels with huge wings, golden trumpets, you should hear the noise in heaven.
Aw the celebration going on, wowwow it is amazing, even the Father is dancing.
There are warrior angels being sent out too to war for the saints.
Ha, so much laughter again.
Oh I see the rainbow, wow what colours, INDESCRIBABLE, woooooooooooooooooo, so beautiful so radiant I see colours I can't describe. Incredible deep rich colours irredescent blues, purples, golds, yellow, turquoise, greens, orange, red, crimson and silver . . . . you can see through it...put your hand through it.
I see the rainbow, and the throne its like you can see thro the colours, such richness of hue, ow wow. I see the angels around the throne, the four living creatures, I see the Lord.
Oh I just witnessed the whole of heaven bowing, the whole of heaven stopped and bowed before the Lord dressed in splendour, oh the resplendent Lord, Oh it was awesome!

23 June 2008 - Awesome combination of open vision and translation
I was worshipping tonight and starting seeing the throne room of heaven. This is what transpired during the next 50 minutes. For some of it I was actually there, and for some of it I was sitting in my room having an open vision, that has never happened to me before.Be blessed.In the presence of Jehovah I find mercy, I see smoke and light where the angels cry HOLY, a throne high and lifted up, a rainbow beyond description, hoards on their face before the throne.I see huge angels with even bigger trumpets . . . .I see a river of oil pouring . . . .I see lampstands burning . . . .I see angels flying round the room and others ministering before the throne . . . .I see colours beyond description . . . .I hear harmonies that would blow you away . . . .Such a sense of awe and majesty . . . .The place is filling with smoke like a glory cloud descending . . . .I see oil pouring pouring from the robes of the one who sits on the throne hidden by smoke and light.It is awesome the room cries holy holy holy worthy worthy.I am being lifted, I am above the throne far above the throne gazing down on this scene in awe and wonder, I am shaking in the glory.I see the elders casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea, cherubim and seraphim falling down before him wooo.Liquid honey glory glory, there's no words for it, glory glory descending, all consuming glory, ah there is none like u Lord high and lifted up, crying holy, falling down before him, white light so bright, white light so bright, going thro me infusing me.Oh wow what wings, you should see the size of them, the scale of those wings, incredible!I am surrounded by these wings so huge they encompass me. All I can see is bright light, smoke and wings, now like I am floating, being lifted in wings, in feathers.I hear sounds coming from his throne incredible thunderings . . . . holy holy holy are you Lord holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy, angels and elders bow.I see the great cloud of witnesses watching, taking note!There are angels with scrolls writing, the angels are so huge and so are the scrolls, there are masses and masses there.I am as if I am above looking down, as if I am floating on the ether of the praises of the angels and elders, powerful, awesome, beautiful.There are angels beneath me covering the throne with their wings like a canopy over and around the throne, a canopy of angel wings, you should see the wings, so huge, so intricate, this is such an awesome sight.I am being carried higher and higher looking down at the crystal sea from on high, looking thro the sea from on high, looking upon a vast expanse.I see masses and masses of angelic forces poised they are carrying healing oil, healing balm, they have healing within their wings literally, they are waiting to be dispatched.I am seeing thro the sea seeing the vast expanse of space oh such beauty before my eyes, such incredible beauty, I never realised space was so beautiful, wow so so awesomely beautiful.My vision is being pulled back in from space to the room again.

A Documentary of a friends visits to HEAVEN!!

I asked my friend if I could Post here experiences in heaven and she said sure. I hope this is encourement to those who have been abused in there past and that Jesus Loves you and will heal your most inner pains. For more on this visit her blog at

21st June 2008 - Another Healing Heavenly Encounter
I see him wrapping his arms around me as I lay being beaten and kicked on the floor. He had his arms around me, and He didn't let go, that is so awesome.
I feel wrapped in a cocoon as if he's taken my pain, I feel like a cooling gel going around my heart, like I'm being held really tight in a pair of arms as well, His arms, He is taking all the pain on himself, my tears are being wiped away, its like I've had some anaesthetic into my heart, its like the darkness is being lifted away, I don't feel that weight anymore
I don't feel the pain anymore, the whole of my chest is numbing up, I feel so light without that weight and that pain, I'm in a peaceful place.
There are loads of angels busy around doing their jobs. I see a pair of hands at work. Its the father's hands, I am in daddy's lap. I was carried there a little while ago, I'm lying in his lap, there are angels all around and I see Jesus there too.
I am surrounded by wings and feathers, so soft and comfortable. It is like I am under an anaesthetic in my mind as well, that is still too, yeah my head is numb inside, I've never known such absence of pain before, its incredible. All I see now is white light infusing my whole being, its bringing deep soothing, its as if its all been taken away, it doesn't matter anymore, as if it's forgotten. I've never known such peace, such tranquility.
He just said "oh you are so beautiful" . . . it was the tone of voice, took my breath away.
He's set me on my feet now, I'm taking Jesus's hand. We're walking off somewhere, I'm like walking in this bubble of peace and stillness, with a light heart I am walking along vast expanses of green rolling countryside the greens and blues around me are amazing, the scent from flowers around me is overwhelming, beautiful, what a place
I'm walking in a bubble of peace and stillness and I feel so light I'm almost flying.
Oh I've been lifted up by angels been carried - no flying with them, soaring so high,so effortlessly.

20 June 2008 - Heavenly Encounter
I can see a door open, bright light and the throne in the distance, the throne is high and lifted up in the distance shrouded in smoke and light, there's a pathway straight to it. I feel the magnet pulling me can't resist it don't want to resist it.
I'm crawling along his knee, I see Jesus too and angels, trying to enjoy every moment
Letting it all sink in, breathing in deeply, this is such an amazing place of peace and joy
Its going straight to my mind taking away all the fogginess and confusion, I'm just letting it marinate me. I am smelling sweet fragrances, oh the most intoxicating fragrance just hit me, oh the fragrance is overpowering, its so overwhelming, intoxicated by it.
I am so at peace, I feel light like I'm floating, I still smell that fragrance, wafting around and through me. I see such huge wings, huge feathers, I just seem to be surrounded with wings, that's all I can see, wings and more wings, so huge. I see the tiny details on them . . . .
So intricate so beautiful. I am just enjoying looking at the wings. They are allowing me to touch, to feel, to explore their wings, the feathers so soft, luxurious and intricately designed, they look delicate but actually very solid. I feel the breeze as they move the wings, cor that was powerful nearly blew me away. Haha, they've got me by the hands, they are picking me up between them ah wow we're going flying. They don't flap, they seem to lift up on invisible air currents. We are soaring, woooooohoooooooo this is beautiful, oh this is soooo good, ha we're flying around the room, through the rainbow and out the other side and back through again, infused with colour, I see greens and golds and silvers blues beyond description. They're asking me d'u wanna go further??
I see the angels with the huge trumpets again they seem to be about to usher something into being, they’re putting the trumpets to their mouths, we're soaring above and around them, the sound from the trumpets seems to lift us higher and higher as if there is no ceiling, oh this is so amazing. We're soaring over the 24 elders as they cast their crowns.
We're soaring over crowds and crowds of worshippers, I see the ancient of days with a sceptre in his hands a sceptre of pure gold with inscriptions on it. I see angels either side of him with huge scrolls in their hands. I see another angel with a pot of gold dust. Oh and I see oil pouring pouring . . . we are soaring above this scene, I can see writing on the scrolls, they are being rolled up and sealed, smaller angels are being dispatched with them . . what am I seeing?? the records of the martyrs . . so that is who I see prostrated before the throne, now being brought to their feet, crowns are being distributed. He has the sceptre extended. What is this? Why am I seeing this? Rewards? What rewards?
Pronouncements of victory, rewards for overcoming . . oh get ready for another trumpet blast . . here it comes . . woooosh
I see a book open, the ancient of days is reading from it, everyone in the room has gone quiet, waiting watching, we are floating above the scene, not moving just floating. I've climbed on to the back of one the angels for a bit of a rest.
It is as if I am seeing through the floor, the floor is still there but its as if it isn't. Oh my word
I heard the words earlier - 'the vengeance of God' - but I didn't know what do with them . . but its not fighting against men . . . I see an immense battle in the atmosphere between heaven and earth the sky is thick with darkness which I understand to be demonic forces.
What Ephesians is on about what it says we are not fighting flesh and blood but evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, its as if that scripture is coming alive before me as I watch, I understand something in the spirit.
My view switches back to into the room away from the darkness outside, I see the throne, He is standing now, the angels are holding His arms up, in one hand He has the sceptre extended, in the other is a huge sword, Hhe has handed the sword to a huge angel, who seems to be commander . . . Oho another trumpet blast coming . . the hand with the sceptre in it drops to His side . . seems to be a signal . . blimey that was deafening . . . .
Think the angels forgot themselves for a moment . . . yeah battle is commencing, the angels are going into battle and they far outnumber the forces of darkness. I am seeing Ephesians 6 opening up before me. I'm struggling to type here, I am still there on the angels back watching the battle.
Oh we're on the move now, seems to be we're going into the war zone, we're flying around watching, in and out of one skirmish into another, but the brightness is getting brighter and the darkness diminishing, there is huge clashing of swords going on . . .
But the angels seem to be doing it effortlessly, while the dark forces are fighting with all their might, the words spiritual wickedness in high places come to mind as we soar in and out of skirmishes, but I can't believe how effortlessly the angels are fighting . . . fighting doesn't seem quite the right word.
Speak the word, speak the word there is power in the word, there is life and death in the tongue, speak the word of truth, wear the word of truth like a garment.
I am seeing the swords turn into words as if words are flying through the atmosphere
and having the same effect . . . I spoke and it came into being . . living words. being led by the spirit you get living words . . life and truth . . speak as if it is even if is isn't and it will come into being . . be still I will fight for you . . you just speak if you hear the word.
There is no condemnation in His voice though just that of a patient teacher who's longing I learn and inwardly digest . . . do not let yourself become all tied up again, it was for freedom that I set you free, not to go back to the place of bondage.
I feel like I'm in a room in heaven now receiving these words . . don't conform to your old thinking patterns anymore . . . let me teach you new ones . . . step out of the boat, take that first step, yeah its scary but I'm here . . . let me lead you not your emotions.
He's gone beyond words now, its gone spirit to spirit, it's gone to download status.
He is so gentle though, I keep expecting Him to be mad with me . . . like how many times do I have to teach you these things?? Its like He knows my mind just trips
Ok He's taking me for a walk, lesson over for today.

18 June 2008 - Another Healing Heavenly Encounter
I see smoke and the angels, feels like he is pulling me up there, my heart is pounding . . .
haha slipping and sliding in my excitement, cant take it! ha ha getting a laugher infusion here!
I suddenly feel such love pouring out to me, I can't contain it, I'm mesmerised by the white light, cant see it all i see is smoke, i am in a smoke cloud, I see smoke and light, I'm infused by light, can't see a thing now, feeling my way along his knee, he is so wonderful.
He's lovely, like a big cuddly bear, He's holding me to his chest, I'm snuggling up to him, not scared anymore, He is so wonderful, so soft and warm and comforting, He is so soft like a teddy bear, and His lap is so big, His chest is so big, I feel so small against his chest.
Breathing deeply, very deeply, like I'm being pulled deep deep. I'm melting into Him, there is nothing else but sinking into him, he is wrapping around me like a blanket, oh he's just wrapping me up, such peace flowing through me, such peace, its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok. I'm going numb, its like freezegel all over me, peace total peace, all is well, this is rest yes that's the word rest, total rest.
I just saw Jesus laughing! I love it when he laughs, suddenly everything's alright, he's trying to give me something, reaching out to me with something. Why am I feeling uncertain? why do I not feel worthy? I dont know . . . oh it is overwhelming love, it is flooding me, it is endless love, that never ends, why can't I receive it?
I've got a ball of heat building and building in my chest, it is his power getting ready to blow down the walls, suddenly creased with laughter, laughing and crying and laughing and burning up, such joy, i just started feeling joy, like new wine! He is passing out the new wine! Intoxicating, so intoxicating, oh this is good stuff, ahahahahahaha, such love busting thro my defences, breaching the walls, like storm driven waves, flooding the basements of my being, flooding the deep hidden places, washing away like a washing machine, pounding around and around and around, smoothing the sharp edges as it pounds, I see bubbles and bubbles getting bigger and bigger they are getting ready to pop, pop, pop, pop, bam bam bam, infusing me bamm, such light and joy, so free inside, bam bam, free to feel, free to feel.
I just saw an angel thrust something bam inside my chest, and I'm feeling it too, I wonder what it is? Something good, something very good, he's doing heart surgery, I see my heart in His hands, I see Him joining bits to it, gentle massaging the heart as He works . . . .
and He's taking like string off from all round it at the same time, eons and eons of a string like substance coming off it leaving behind raw red areas that he's rubbing stuff on to
oh He's putting like cling film over it as if to protect it while it heals, it's a better colour now, looks more healthy, it feels freer, looser, There's still more string coming off, He's doing bit by bit, He's stitching some bits together as well, He's got a needle and He's stitching, so painstaking is His work, He's got angels helping him, one of them's got a bowl full of the string from it, another one's got a bowl of water, and another a bowl of cream stuff and another some oil. I already do feel much better, the more He does the better I feel, the freer I feel, and the lighter I feel, He's coating my heart with the cream
cool, oh its lovely, so lovely, so much cream, so extravagant, but sooooo soothing
He's pouring oil on it now, different oils, so many different oils, the angels keep coming with oil, its an endless stream of oil, healing healing healing. He's pausing looking at His work considering it, He's smiling, the angels are laughing and dancing.
He's picked me up and He's carrying me. Giving me back to daddy. I'm back with daddy again such love such peace, such affirmation, such belonging, its like a river of love pouring into me, like I and the river are becoming one, the river is taking me over, there is nothing but the river washing over and under and through me. Its like a flood now, sweeping me away, don't even know where I am now, its pulling me deeper and deeper.
Completely overwhelmed by the rushing waters, there is nothing to do but just let it pour over and through me, being consumed, such love, such passion, feels like my heart is going to burst, ah such heat consuming me, consuming me from within, ow its burning burning, turn it down its burning. He says its to purify me, can't have the purification without the heat, he's stoking the fire again, its like a white heat now. I see a separating out happening like in a gold furnace, there's like a skimming off the top happening, no impurities, woah its beautiful, I just suddenly saw beauty in it, yeah woah, beautiful.Um enough for today He says . . . He's pretty chuffed with himself

17 June 2008 - A Healing Heavenly Encounter
Jesus is there waiting already seen him I see so much light. He's got his hands outstretched towards me, I've taken his hands, we're running along laughing, there's crowds of people and angels all watching and clapping and laughing, ah it feels so good.He's taken me into a room full of robes and he's putting a purple one round my shoulders there's angels there with different things He's pouring oil over me there are different oils.
The angels each carry vessels with different oils in them and He's pouring them over me in turn, the oil of thanksgiving is one of them, the oil of gladness. He's giving me something to drink.An angel has just thrust his fist into my heart and another into my belly there are angel hands in my brain they are working inside my head they are collecting my tears as I cry bottling them.
There is something flowing thro my entire being, I see myself vibrating there, there is fire,cleansing fire but its not consuming me, the fire is flowing into me, burning my heart, my belly, my mind. There are so many angels doing so many different things around me
Jesus is bringing me to my feet I need to take his hand feel so weak he pulls me to him embraces me laughing, the angels are gone we're alone. Oh some more angels have appeared, different ones carrying different stuff.
He's giving me a different robe and there's jewels even greater than I seen before, He's giving me something else to drink, its sweet like honey and beautiful fruits to eat the angels are bringing them on platters. He's telling me all this is mine, all I can see is mine The fabric is so lovely to touch, oh u should see the crown they're bringing forward, Is that really for me? Wow oh its amazing it just shines and shimmers its a mix of gold and silver and the jewels inset never seen owt like em, it looks so heavy, I'm holding it, staring at it, taking in its beauty, I can't believe this is for me, I can't take this in, I know the angels and Jesus are urging me to put it on . . . 'come on Fi its yours made for you, just put it on, accept my gift'. Oops nearly dropped it then, my hands are shaking, I am shaking. OK its on my head. It fits me perfectly. He's got a full length mirror, I hate full length mirrors, do we have to?? Yes he says come on don't be afraid . . . . . oh alright then
Is that really me I'm seeing? I am not ashamed of you he's saying now don't be ashamed of yourself, you look beautiful, accept your beauty, don't run from it, look at it, take it in, drink it in, stare at it, take your time, no rush, suddenly there's mirrors all around, and I can't escape seeing myself.
There's angels recording this, and there's an angel in the corner with an easel painting he's catching every twist and turn I make a living portrait
Oh my goodness they're putting a mantle on top of my robe, its beautiful and it has a long train, fur lined like velvet its a commissioning mantle. Oh its about the fast I was praying about this morning, he heard that prayer from my heart, to live the fast he has called me to, that the desires within my heart to set the captives free are his desires and that it will happen, its gonna take time cos there's stuff I've gotta go thro to get there, that yes that is the calling on my life, its not a figment of my imagination but I am not ready yet, and he is placing stuff in place in my life to bring me to that place. Aha, do I really have to say that?? He's bringing me to a new place of vulnerability, but its a good vulnerability that will bring healing and restoration. I have to let go my fears and trust, let go my insecurities and trust and as I do so healing will flow - until I do healing will be held up
He is speaking with such gentleness and compassion but in no uncertain terms as well if u get my drift - I have a choice to accept or reject the commissioning.
I've fallen on my knees before him, my face is in his feet, I am weeping all over his feet sobbing and sobbing. He is bending down now lifting my head making me look him in the eyes saying hush daughter hush I am with you and I will enable you I will equip you, I will be with you every step of the way.
He is drying my tears, well if I can stop crying that is, He knows that in my heart I've chosen, He's not asking, He doesn't need to, He just knows and I know He knows
Ok I've pieced myself together and the angels have opened the doors and we're walking through them He's got his arm round me He's smiling. I hear music booming out I see angels with huge trumpets. I glance behind, I see my long train behind me, there are people all around again, such a buzz around me its disorientating. I see lampstands aglow, I see pillars of marble, I see angels with such huge wingspans, I am walking on marble, I see the 24 elders, I see a throne veiled in light, the four living creatures are round the base of it. There are lightning bolts coming from the throne, there are sounds like thunder, can't distinguish the trumpets from the thunder now, it is awesome. I see like smoke, I've never been this deep before, I am being drawn closer and closer, only one thing matters and that is what is in front of me, even the rainbow pales into insignificance compared to the light force in front of me, it is all consuming.
I see huge angels in front of me, they pull back so I can see a huge flight of marble steps, this throne is so high and lifted up, there are angels lining the steps either side, there is smoke rising from the throne, this is so awesome. I see the feet of the one sat on the throne, I see the feet, I am being drawn up, a holy fear is gripping me.
I feel his very breath, His longing, yes His longing for me to sit in his lap. Running up those steps now, breathless, can't wait to get there. I am intoxicated, trying not to fall over, feel like I'm running thro liquid honey. Ah its so amazing. I see the arms, I am laughing, He is laughing too, ah this is so glorious, I am so excited now, incredible excitement, the most incredible joy is flowing thro me, pure white light
I feel such love pouring thro me, consuming my very being, it is so overwhelming. I don't ever wanna leave, it's so safe, encased in him, in his embrace, I feel his pleasure, His delight, my entire being is completely still, in tune with his heartbeat. I'm just sitting here taking it all in, He wants me to hug him, He wants me to cuddle up to him, rather than just sit on his knee looking around . . . oh intimacy is what he's after, safe intimacy. I'm moving a bit closer, edgeing along, looking at him now, I see the longing in his eyes.
He's drawing me . . . OK I just throw myself into his arms, I hear the rumble of his laughter, don't care wot's going on around me anymore, the angels can stand on their heads if they want, His love is infusing me, now I'm going numb, perfect love casting out fear. My face is numb. My head is numb. I feel dizzy, my body is tingling, my whole body is so relaxed, wow this is amazing. My mind is stilled, my emotions are stilled wow, this feels soooo good, I'm tugging his beard, tee hee. Oh this is so great. I'm swallowed up by him and by his love, I haven't the courage to kiss him, I feel I can go as deep into him as I want to go . . . Daddy I just wanna feel your love for me.