Jesus is Lord»

Friday, July 18, 2008

Chat Room words I have recieved

These are some prophetic words to me personally or to the church that happened while watchin the Florida Revival and chating in The Upper Chat Room.

12:26 StandingStrong : I se a vision of my hair and head on fire but don't feel the heat
12:26 sniperelectech : StandingSrong pass some of that vision here
12:27 StandingStrong : you want it sniper?
12:27 StandingStrong : raise your hands to receive it
12:27 StandingStrong : laying hands on teh screen and imparting it now in the name of JEsUS
2:28 StandingStrong : sniper...saw the "whole package deal" was imparted to you
I declare...Lord is going to be giving vehicles in this season

pull it out prophetically sniper. I see you are to

12:30 StandingStrong : the vehicle for your wife

12:30 StandingStrong : then wait for the manifestation

12:31 StandingStrong : sniper...more will come at the same time as that vehicle

12:31 StandingStrong : things you weren't expecting

12:32 StandingStrong : Sniper I say to you EXPECT IN THE NAME OF JESUSSSSSSSSS!!!! BAM BAM BAM

12:32 StandingStrong : Sniper...your slate financially is gonna be wiped clean

12:32 StandingStrong : stand on this word, Lord is showing it to me

12:33 StandingStrong : I see flowers coming up where there were once piles of bills and worries

2:34 StandingStrong : NEW LIFE there for ya sniper....God is doing a new thing in your life

12:34 StandingStrong : like the got an entire package deal coming your way

12:34 StandingStrong : it's already there with you

12:34 StandingStrong : I see it all laid all around your feet

12:35 StandingStrong : sniper....hope your writing this down

12:35 StandingStrong : speak it out

12:35 StandingStrong : align yourself with it, with GOD

12:36 StandingStrong : say YES LORD YES I could use a new thing a new day

12:36 StandingStrong : LOrd I could use newness arisng where there was once stacks of bills and worries

12:43 StandingStrong : there's more sniper
12:43 StandingStrong : YOur gonna get an early inheritance
12:43 StandingStrong : that was for sniper, the early inheritance

My Friend Tom shared this visitation:

12:11 tom71 : Ok , for those of you who just joined, Jesus appeared to me 20 mins ago, and told me this.
12:11 tom71 : jesus speaks: No longer, no longer shall my church be timid and weak. Just as Elijah openly challenged the followers of Baal (1King18:24), my church will speak with passion and with clarity. No longer will they be quiet. With boldness and with authority will the church speak the Good News.
12:12 tom71 : Jesus speaks: And my church will openly challenge the secular and islamic forces. As I have done for Elijah (1King18:37-39), the same will I do for my children.

May 19, 2008
12:48 StandingStrong : saw vice grips, saw spirit holding them being contained, vice grips removed, hand with anointed balm holding over area which had been gripped and healing is soaking in
12:49 StandingStrong : I see this anointed balm goes all the way through your brain and to your eyes
12:50 StandingStrong : and will be saturating and soaking for a while
12:50 StandingStrong : maybe days
12:51 StandingStrong : sense you will experience fuzzy seeing for a bit, while balm is there in your eyes, but not to worry
12:51 StandingStrong : being taken to new level in sight
12:51 StandingStrong : everything loosening up
12:51 StandingStrong : things washing out
12:52 StandingStrong : oiled up in the name of Jesus, brain working more effectively
12:52 StandingStrong : in the name of Jesus
12:52 StandingStrong : effective brain function
12:59 StandingStrong : something about your toes too
12:59 StandingStrong : I see angels taking the anointed balm and working it into the cuticles of your toes
12:59 StandingStrong : now entire feet area
12:59 SniperGLoryFire : me?
12:59 StandingStrong : yes snipe
01:00 StandingStrong : Snipe, now your fingers and hands
01:01 StandingStrong : Lord going from the outside now and anointing your eyes
01:01 StandingStrong : snipe, Lord is taking something off your eyes
01:01 StandingStrong : has something in his hands
01:01 StandingStrong : puts his hands back on your eyes and holds them there awhile
01:02 StandingStrong : seems eyes are tender, vulnerable
01:04 StandingStrong : snipe...been placed in like a horse tank full of balm
01:06 StandingStrong : because your getting totally satuturated
01:07 StandingStrong : watch for subliminal messages in thoughts
01:09 StandingStrong : snipe, out of the horse tank, being washed with water by the Lord
01:09 StandingStrong : see you coughing and spitting stuff out
01:09 StandingStrong : see crystal clear cleansing has taken place

AAustralia’s Word to Church and chat room.

11:24 AAustralia : God told me I had to share this straight away, I had to share this with the church please seek the lord directly, Todd will know what this means.
11:24 AAustralia : I was in the glory and I had a vision of two diamonds, the diamonds were high in the solar system. High, they were very high, I saw stars all around.
11:25 AAustralia : The diamonds were a princess cut diamond, two together, the faces of the diamonds faced each other so you could only see the edges of the facets and the two strong points, one towards heaven and the other towards earth. It was suspended in the sky.
11:25 AAustralia : The facets were shining colour light out of them, and I suddenly had a vision up close of colours, blue, orange, and red, green. I felt a beautiful Glory, so soft and yet so strong, it was smoky. I suddenly saw that there was this opening from the facet, each colour and facet meant something differe
11:25 AAustralia : They were like portals of colour.
11:26 AAustralia : I then somehow saw myself in another colour and the Lord said “You can walk around the facet. I remember you could walk around the facet and enter into the colours of the different facets. I saw people down below, on earth many people, I could only see their heads.
11:26 AAustralia : I suddenly saw the sun on one side of the facet and the moon on the other, then I saw these rays that came from the facets of the diamonds and they hit the sun and the moon.
11:26 AAustralia : Then the rays hit the earth, I could see all the colours, the rays were going into houses and the streets and the churches everywhere. Like a laser show
11:26 AAustralia : Then I saw a group of people, now I was on earth and the diamond descended, they ( the people) were looking at the point of the facet, they were in circle around this big huge thing, it was strange, they were unsure about what it was, but just continued to look at it
11:27 AAustralia : Suddenly the diamonds started to spin and out of the point I could see all these colours, again the people were watching, suddenly the diamond started going higher, it ascended. The colours from the lights/ rays started touching people and I saw people on the ground, slain on the streets of the earth
11:27 AAustralia : I suddenly saw people high up where the diamond was and it seemed like they were walking on roads. The roads lead to and into the different colours of the facets, the facets opened like a door would and the people started walking inside them.
11:27 AAustralia : I heard the heart of Jesus and he said, Can’t you see??? Can’t you see? Its only as they look at the diamond will they walk in unity? It was the point the very centre. It was him. His heart is crying for his people to focus on the diamond. It was a company of people.
11:27 AAustralia : We are now I believe only looking starting to look at the point of the diamond……
11:28 AAustralia : Please, understand, the greater revelation and significance on this prophesy, vision, the facets are the different ministries coming together, the lord is saying I will bring the ministries together that will come together and will stand on/ in the face /ET of the diamond together.
11:28 AAustralia : The bride will see her Bridegroom face to face, it’s a face to face time, it’s a releasing of mantles, and it’s the fullness of Jesus. It will include the display of his majesty
11:28 AAustralia : The diamonds are revival; the diamonds are called revival;
11:28 AAustralia : Diamond- Hebrews (Strong’s) 3095- Precious Stone- 1986- Hal am- To Strike down, to conquer, hammer, to stamp, disband, break, overcome, smite. Hardness to scratch.
11:28 AAustralia : 8104 8105- To hedge about, to protect, to guard, attend to, mark, preserve, sure, lay, wait for, something preserved, wine, to lay wait for, watchman.
11:29 AAustralia : The Lord says....”Look after this diamond, you have laid wait for it, look after it and protect it, guard it, preserve it, continue to look at it and you will conquer, you will overcome, attend to it, attend to it.”
11:29 AAustralia : Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 8:45 PM

June 9 2008

10:33 StandingStrong : I hear two things for you snipe
10:33 SniperGLoryFire : It is really stirring in my heart
10:34 StandingStrong : DO not despise humble beginnings AND
10:34 StandingStrong : THINK BIGGER
10:34 SniperGLoryFire : This is my Jerusalem
10:34 StandingStrong : I see that too snipe
10:34 StandingStrong : it's your start
10:34 StandingStrong : I also see you starting a car
10:35 StandingStrong : it's getting ignited as you turn the ignition
10:35 SniperGLoryFire : vroom
10:35 StandingStrong : car being your ministry
10:35 StandingStrong : I see youwere like a pre teen
10:35 StandingStrong : you were given this car by your Dad
10:35 StandingStrong : and could only go out there and sit in it
10:35 StandingStrong : wash it
10:35 SniperGLoryFire : lol yes
10:35 StandingStrong : take pictures of it
10:35 StandingStrong : dream in it
10:35 StandingStrong : now you got your license
10:35 StandingStrong : and will get to drive it!
10:36 StandingStrong : there is no stopping you now!
10:36 StandingStrong : there is no limits on you snipe!
10:36 StandingStrong : your just going to take off!!!!!!
0:36 StandingStrong : new found freedom
10:36 StandingStrong : shortly other things will change too
10:36 SniperGLoryFire : amen
10:36 StandingStrong : just as a teen grows up and moves out
10:36 StandingStrong : there will be a moving out in your life too
10:36 StandingStrong : new way of moving in the Lord
10:37 StandingStrong : under the stars
10:37 StandingStrong : GBU as you continue to pursue your destiny endeavors with the Lord
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : Hallelujah
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : I feel that Standing
10:37 SniperGLoryFire : Destiny
10:38 StandingStrong : it's touched on your destiny
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : ha ha bet ya
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : lol
10:38 SniperGLoryFire : Amen
10:38 StandingStrong : it's BIG snipe!!!
10:38 StandingStrong : think BIGGER
10:38 StandingStrong : more OUT DA BOX then even before!
10:38 StandingStrong : get out da box
10:38 StandingStrong : get out da box
10:38 StandingStrong : get out!I say
10:39 StandingStrong : snipe
10:39 SniperGLoryFire : boldness
10:39 StandingStrong : GET OUT DA BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:41 StandingStrong : I am seeing the Lord going around with this box of matches
0:41 StandingStrong : and one after another
10:41 StandingStrong : He is striking those matches
10:42 StandingStrong : and tossing them on HIS PEOPLE
10:42 StandingStrong : not just areas
10:42 StandingStrong : BUT HIS PEOPLE
10:42 StandingStrong : and as He does this?
10:42 SniperGLoryFire : I got hit
10:42 StandingStrong : they are released into their callings!!!!
10:42 SniperGLoryFire : and I had gas on me
10:42 StandingStrong : things we been waiting for all our lives
10:42 StandingStrong : the time of release has now come
10:42 StandingStrong : get ready, get ready
10:43 StandingStrong : this kind of fire you encourage
10:43 StandingStrong : pour more gas on yourself
10:43 StandingStrong : more Lord more
10:43 StandingStrong : like Todd teaches, when you feel the anointing, etc, you ask for MORE

10:58 StandingStrong : wow...Lord's given you a keyless thingy to start your car snipe

10:58 StandingStrong : I don't k now what they are called

11:07 jesusfreakMT : you must be a seer also sniper
11:08 jesusfreakMT : are you a seer?
11:08 SniperGLoryFire : not yet
11:08 SniperGLoryFire : Evangelist
11:09 jesusfreakMT : definately seer sniper....
11:09 jesusfreakMT : you already got it
11:09 SniperGLoryFire : why do you think that? just curious
11:09 jesusfreakMT : just what i am hearing..
11:09 jesusfreakMT : can't explain it
11:09 SniperGLoryFire : Amen....I recieve that then
11:09 jesusfreakMT : just happens
11:10 SniperGLoryFire : Something suppose to happen tonight
11:10 jesusfreakMT : I ask for more of that for you sniper.....
11:10 jesusfreakMT : full blown anointing
11:10 jesusfreakMT : God is getting ready to rock your world sniper....
11:10 jesusfreakMT : be prepared....
11:11 jesusfreakMT : "expect the unexpected"
11:11 jesusfreakMT : that is what i am hearing for you sniper
11:11 jesusfreakMT : be blessed my friend
11:12 SniperGLoryFire : amen
11:13 jesusfreakMT : Hey sniper.....
11:13 jesusfreakMT : do you journal?
11:16 jesusfreakMT : awesome sniper...... i saw you are to journal....
11:16 jesusfreakMT : dligently