Jesus is Lord»

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Documentary of a friends visits to HEAVEN!!

I asked my friend if I could Post here experiences in heaven and she said sure. I hope this is encourement to those who have been abused in there past and that Jesus Loves you and will heal your most inner pains. For more on this visit her blog at

21st June 2008 - Another Healing Heavenly Encounter
I see him wrapping his arms around me as I lay being beaten and kicked on the floor. He had his arms around me, and He didn't let go, that is so awesome.
I feel wrapped in a cocoon as if he's taken my pain, I feel like a cooling gel going around my heart, like I'm being held really tight in a pair of arms as well, His arms, He is taking all the pain on himself, my tears are being wiped away, its like I've had some anaesthetic into my heart, its like the darkness is being lifted away, I don't feel that weight anymore
I don't feel the pain anymore, the whole of my chest is numbing up, I feel so light without that weight and that pain, I'm in a peaceful place.
There are loads of angels busy around doing their jobs. I see a pair of hands at work. Its the father's hands, I am in daddy's lap. I was carried there a little while ago, I'm lying in his lap, there are angels all around and I see Jesus there too.
I am surrounded by wings and feathers, so soft and comfortable. It is like I am under an anaesthetic in my mind as well, that is still too, yeah my head is numb inside, I've never known such absence of pain before, its incredible. All I see now is white light infusing my whole being, its bringing deep soothing, its as if its all been taken away, it doesn't matter anymore, as if it's forgotten. I've never known such peace, such tranquility.
He just said "oh you are so beautiful" . . . it was the tone of voice, took my breath away.
He's set me on my feet now, I'm taking Jesus's hand. We're walking off somewhere, I'm like walking in this bubble of peace and stillness, with a light heart I am walking along vast expanses of green rolling countryside the greens and blues around me are amazing, the scent from flowers around me is overwhelming, beautiful, what a place
I'm walking in a bubble of peace and stillness and I feel so light I'm almost flying.
Oh I've been lifted up by angels been carried - no flying with them, soaring so high,so effortlessly.

20 June 2008 - Heavenly Encounter
I can see a door open, bright light and the throne in the distance, the throne is high and lifted up in the distance shrouded in smoke and light, there's a pathway straight to it. I feel the magnet pulling me can't resist it don't want to resist it.
I'm crawling along his knee, I see Jesus too and angels, trying to enjoy every moment
Letting it all sink in, breathing in deeply, this is such an amazing place of peace and joy
Its going straight to my mind taking away all the fogginess and confusion, I'm just letting it marinate me. I am smelling sweet fragrances, oh the most intoxicating fragrance just hit me, oh the fragrance is overpowering, its so overwhelming, intoxicated by it.
I am so at peace, I feel light like I'm floating, I still smell that fragrance, wafting around and through me. I see such huge wings, huge feathers, I just seem to be surrounded with wings, that's all I can see, wings and more wings, so huge. I see the tiny details on them . . . .
So intricate so beautiful. I am just enjoying looking at the wings. They are allowing me to touch, to feel, to explore their wings, the feathers so soft, luxurious and intricately designed, they look delicate but actually very solid. I feel the breeze as they move the wings, cor that was powerful nearly blew me away. Haha, they've got me by the hands, they are picking me up between them ah wow we're going flying. They don't flap, they seem to lift up on invisible air currents. We are soaring, woooooohoooooooo this is beautiful, oh this is soooo good, ha we're flying around the room, through the rainbow and out the other side and back through again, infused with colour, I see greens and golds and silvers blues beyond description. They're asking me d'u wanna go further??
I see the angels with the huge trumpets again they seem to be about to usher something into being, they’re putting the trumpets to their mouths, we're soaring above and around them, the sound from the trumpets seems to lift us higher and higher as if there is no ceiling, oh this is so amazing. We're soaring over the 24 elders as they cast their crowns.
We're soaring over crowds and crowds of worshippers, I see the ancient of days with a sceptre in his hands a sceptre of pure gold with inscriptions on it. I see angels either side of him with huge scrolls in their hands. I see another angel with a pot of gold dust. Oh and I see oil pouring pouring . . . we are soaring above this scene, I can see writing on the scrolls, they are being rolled up and sealed, smaller angels are being dispatched with them . . what am I seeing?? the records of the martyrs . . so that is who I see prostrated before the throne, now being brought to their feet, crowns are being distributed. He has the sceptre extended. What is this? Why am I seeing this? Rewards? What rewards?
Pronouncements of victory, rewards for overcoming . . oh get ready for another trumpet blast . . here it comes . . woooosh
I see a book open, the ancient of days is reading from it, everyone in the room has gone quiet, waiting watching, we are floating above the scene, not moving just floating. I've climbed on to the back of one the angels for a bit of a rest.
It is as if I am seeing through the floor, the floor is still there but its as if it isn't. Oh my word
I heard the words earlier - 'the vengeance of God' - but I didn't know what do with them . . but its not fighting against men . . . I see an immense battle in the atmosphere between heaven and earth the sky is thick with darkness which I understand to be demonic forces.
What Ephesians is on about what it says we are not fighting flesh and blood but evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, its as if that scripture is coming alive before me as I watch, I understand something in the spirit.
My view switches back to into the room away from the darkness outside, I see the throne, He is standing now, the angels are holding His arms up, in one hand He has the sceptre extended, in the other is a huge sword, Hhe has handed the sword to a huge angel, who seems to be commander . . . Oho another trumpet blast coming . . the hand with the sceptre in it drops to His side . . seems to be a signal . . blimey that was deafening . . . .
Think the angels forgot themselves for a moment . . . yeah battle is commencing, the angels are going into battle and they far outnumber the forces of darkness. I am seeing Ephesians 6 opening up before me. I'm struggling to type here, I am still there on the angels back watching the battle.
Oh we're on the move now, seems to be we're going into the war zone, we're flying around watching, in and out of one skirmish into another, but the brightness is getting brighter and the darkness diminishing, there is huge clashing of swords going on . . .
But the angels seem to be doing it effortlessly, while the dark forces are fighting with all their might, the words spiritual wickedness in high places come to mind as we soar in and out of skirmishes, but I can't believe how effortlessly the angels are fighting . . . fighting doesn't seem quite the right word.
Speak the word, speak the word there is power in the word, there is life and death in the tongue, speak the word of truth, wear the word of truth like a garment.
I am seeing the swords turn into words as if words are flying through the atmosphere
and having the same effect . . . I spoke and it came into being . . living words. being led by the spirit you get living words . . life and truth . . speak as if it is even if is isn't and it will come into being . . be still I will fight for you . . you just speak if you hear the word.
There is no condemnation in His voice though just that of a patient teacher who's longing I learn and inwardly digest . . . do not let yourself become all tied up again, it was for freedom that I set you free, not to go back to the place of bondage.
I feel like I'm in a room in heaven now receiving these words . . don't conform to your old thinking patterns anymore . . . let me teach you new ones . . . step out of the boat, take that first step, yeah its scary but I'm here . . . let me lead you not your emotions.
He's gone beyond words now, its gone spirit to spirit, it's gone to download status.
He is so gentle though, I keep expecting Him to be mad with me . . . like how many times do I have to teach you these things?? Its like He knows my mind just trips
Ok He's taking me for a walk, lesson over for today.

18 June 2008 - Another Healing Heavenly Encounter
I see smoke and the angels, feels like he is pulling me up there, my heart is pounding . . .
haha slipping and sliding in my excitement, cant take it! ha ha getting a laugher infusion here!
I suddenly feel such love pouring out to me, I can't contain it, I'm mesmerised by the white light, cant see it all i see is smoke, i am in a smoke cloud, I see smoke and light, I'm infused by light, can't see a thing now, feeling my way along his knee, he is so wonderful.
He's lovely, like a big cuddly bear, He's holding me to his chest, I'm snuggling up to him, not scared anymore, He is so wonderful, so soft and warm and comforting, He is so soft like a teddy bear, and His lap is so big, His chest is so big, I feel so small against his chest.
Breathing deeply, very deeply, like I'm being pulled deep deep. I'm melting into Him, there is nothing else but sinking into him, he is wrapping around me like a blanket, oh he's just wrapping me up, such peace flowing through me, such peace, its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok its ok. I'm going numb, its like freezegel all over me, peace total peace, all is well, this is rest yes that's the word rest, total rest.
I just saw Jesus laughing! I love it when he laughs, suddenly everything's alright, he's trying to give me something, reaching out to me with something. Why am I feeling uncertain? why do I not feel worthy? I dont know . . . oh it is overwhelming love, it is flooding me, it is endless love, that never ends, why can't I receive it?
I've got a ball of heat building and building in my chest, it is his power getting ready to blow down the walls, suddenly creased with laughter, laughing and crying and laughing and burning up, such joy, i just started feeling joy, like new wine! He is passing out the new wine! Intoxicating, so intoxicating, oh this is good stuff, ahahahahahaha, such love busting thro my defences, breaching the walls, like storm driven waves, flooding the basements of my being, flooding the deep hidden places, washing away like a washing machine, pounding around and around and around, smoothing the sharp edges as it pounds, I see bubbles and bubbles getting bigger and bigger they are getting ready to pop, pop, pop, pop, bam bam bam, infusing me bamm, such light and joy, so free inside, bam bam, free to feel, free to feel.
I just saw an angel thrust something bam inside my chest, and I'm feeling it too, I wonder what it is? Something good, something very good, he's doing heart surgery, I see my heart in His hands, I see Him joining bits to it, gentle massaging the heart as He works . . . .
and He's taking like string off from all round it at the same time, eons and eons of a string like substance coming off it leaving behind raw red areas that he's rubbing stuff on to
oh He's putting like cling film over it as if to protect it while it heals, it's a better colour now, looks more healthy, it feels freer, looser, There's still more string coming off, He's doing bit by bit, He's stitching some bits together as well, He's got a needle and He's stitching, so painstaking is His work, He's got angels helping him, one of them's got a bowl full of the string from it, another one's got a bowl of water, and another a bowl of cream stuff and another some oil. I already do feel much better, the more He does the better I feel, the freer I feel, and the lighter I feel, He's coating my heart with the cream
cool, oh its lovely, so lovely, so much cream, so extravagant, but sooooo soothing
He's pouring oil on it now, different oils, so many different oils, the angels keep coming with oil, its an endless stream of oil, healing healing healing. He's pausing looking at His work considering it, He's smiling, the angels are laughing and dancing.
He's picked me up and He's carrying me. Giving me back to daddy. I'm back with daddy again such love such peace, such affirmation, such belonging, its like a river of love pouring into me, like I and the river are becoming one, the river is taking me over, there is nothing but the river washing over and under and through me. Its like a flood now, sweeping me away, don't even know where I am now, its pulling me deeper and deeper.
Completely overwhelmed by the rushing waters, there is nothing to do but just let it pour over and through me, being consumed, such love, such passion, feels like my heart is going to burst, ah such heat consuming me, consuming me from within, ow its burning burning, turn it down its burning. He says its to purify me, can't have the purification without the heat, he's stoking the fire again, its like a white heat now. I see a separating out happening like in a gold furnace, there's like a skimming off the top happening, no impurities, woah its beautiful, I just suddenly saw beauty in it, yeah woah, beautiful.Um enough for today He says . . . He's pretty chuffed with himself

17 June 2008 - A Healing Heavenly Encounter
Jesus is there waiting already seen him I see so much light. He's got his hands outstretched towards me, I've taken his hands, we're running along laughing, there's crowds of people and angels all watching and clapping and laughing, ah it feels so good.He's taken me into a room full of robes and he's putting a purple one round my shoulders there's angels there with different things He's pouring oil over me there are different oils.
The angels each carry vessels with different oils in them and He's pouring them over me in turn, the oil of thanksgiving is one of them, the oil of gladness. He's giving me something to drink.An angel has just thrust his fist into my heart and another into my belly there are angel hands in my brain they are working inside my head they are collecting my tears as I cry bottling them.
There is something flowing thro my entire being, I see myself vibrating there, there is fire,cleansing fire but its not consuming me, the fire is flowing into me, burning my heart, my belly, my mind. There are so many angels doing so many different things around me
Jesus is bringing me to my feet I need to take his hand feel so weak he pulls me to him embraces me laughing, the angels are gone we're alone. Oh some more angels have appeared, different ones carrying different stuff.
He's giving me a different robe and there's jewels even greater than I seen before, He's giving me something else to drink, its sweet like honey and beautiful fruits to eat the angels are bringing them on platters. He's telling me all this is mine, all I can see is mine The fabric is so lovely to touch, oh u should see the crown they're bringing forward, Is that really for me? Wow oh its amazing it just shines and shimmers its a mix of gold and silver and the jewels inset never seen owt like em, it looks so heavy, I'm holding it, staring at it, taking in its beauty, I can't believe this is for me, I can't take this in, I know the angels and Jesus are urging me to put it on . . . 'come on Fi its yours made for you, just put it on, accept my gift'. Oops nearly dropped it then, my hands are shaking, I am shaking. OK its on my head. It fits me perfectly. He's got a full length mirror, I hate full length mirrors, do we have to?? Yes he says come on don't be afraid . . . . . oh alright then
Is that really me I'm seeing? I am not ashamed of you he's saying now don't be ashamed of yourself, you look beautiful, accept your beauty, don't run from it, look at it, take it in, drink it in, stare at it, take your time, no rush, suddenly there's mirrors all around, and I can't escape seeing myself.
There's angels recording this, and there's an angel in the corner with an easel painting he's catching every twist and turn I make a living portrait
Oh my goodness they're putting a mantle on top of my robe, its beautiful and it has a long train, fur lined like velvet its a commissioning mantle. Oh its about the fast I was praying about this morning, he heard that prayer from my heart, to live the fast he has called me to, that the desires within my heart to set the captives free are his desires and that it will happen, its gonna take time cos there's stuff I've gotta go thro to get there, that yes that is the calling on my life, its not a figment of my imagination but I am not ready yet, and he is placing stuff in place in my life to bring me to that place. Aha, do I really have to say that?? He's bringing me to a new place of vulnerability, but its a good vulnerability that will bring healing and restoration. I have to let go my fears and trust, let go my insecurities and trust and as I do so healing will flow - until I do healing will be held up
He is speaking with such gentleness and compassion but in no uncertain terms as well if u get my drift - I have a choice to accept or reject the commissioning.
I've fallen on my knees before him, my face is in his feet, I am weeping all over his feet sobbing and sobbing. He is bending down now lifting my head making me look him in the eyes saying hush daughter hush I am with you and I will enable you I will equip you, I will be with you every step of the way.
He is drying my tears, well if I can stop crying that is, He knows that in my heart I've chosen, He's not asking, He doesn't need to, He just knows and I know He knows
Ok I've pieced myself together and the angels have opened the doors and we're walking through them He's got his arm round me He's smiling. I hear music booming out I see angels with huge trumpets. I glance behind, I see my long train behind me, there are people all around again, such a buzz around me its disorientating. I see lampstands aglow, I see pillars of marble, I see angels with such huge wingspans, I am walking on marble, I see the 24 elders, I see a throne veiled in light, the four living creatures are round the base of it. There are lightning bolts coming from the throne, there are sounds like thunder, can't distinguish the trumpets from the thunder now, it is awesome. I see like smoke, I've never been this deep before, I am being drawn closer and closer, only one thing matters and that is what is in front of me, even the rainbow pales into insignificance compared to the light force in front of me, it is all consuming.
I see huge angels in front of me, they pull back so I can see a huge flight of marble steps, this throne is so high and lifted up, there are angels lining the steps either side, there is smoke rising from the throne, this is so awesome. I see the feet of the one sat on the throne, I see the feet, I am being drawn up, a holy fear is gripping me.
I feel his very breath, His longing, yes His longing for me to sit in his lap. Running up those steps now, breathless, can't wait to get there. I am intoxicated, trying not to fall over, feel like I'm running thro liquid honey. Ah its so amazing. I see the arms, I am laughing, He is laughing too, ah this is so glorious, I am so excited now, incredible excitement, the most incredible joy is flowing thro me, pure white light
I feel such love pouring thro me, consuming my very being, it is so overwhelming. I don't ever wanna leave, it's so safe, encased in him, in his embrace, I feel his pleasure, His delight, my entire being is completely still, in tune with his heartbeat. I'm just sitting here taking it all in, He wants me to hug him, He wants me to cuddle up to him, rather than just sit on his knee looking around . . . oh intimacy is what he's after, safe intimacy. I'm moving a bit closer, edgeing along, looking at him now, I see the longing in his eyes.
He's drawing me . . . OK I just throw myself into his arms, I hear the rumble of his laughter, don't care wot's going on around me anymore, the angels can stand on their heads if they want, His love is infusing me, now I'm going numb, perfect love casting out fear. My face is numb. My head is numb. I feel dizzy, my body is tingling, my whole body is so relaxed, wow this is amazing. My mind is stilled, my emotions are stilled wow, this feels soooo good, I'm tugging his beard, tee hee. Oh this is so great. I'm swallowed up by him and by his love, I haven't the courage to kiss him, I feel I can go as deep into him as I want to go . . . Daddy I just wanna feel your love for me.